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Friday September 24, 2010 1:48 am
Kate Moss to Work With Sir Philip Green
Model-turned-Topshop designer Kate Moss is “still working” for Sir Philip Green.
Last month, it was reported the British supermodel will complete her work with the billionaire businessman’s store Topshop when her Fall/Winter collection comes out in October. Kate has now revealed she is continuing her working relationship with Philip and the pair will definitely collaborate on another project.
Speaking at the launch of her boyfriend Jamie Hince’s new movie premiere last night, Kate exclusively told BANG Showbiz, “Yeah, I’m still working with Philip. We will do something together in the future.”
Philip recently insisted the pair would work together on something “very special” and confirmed the end of her Topshop association was not the end of their professional relationship: “It isn’t a split. There are two or three very special projects we have in mind, which we will do as and when. They have to be unique, special and they have to have her stamp on them.”
Gallery: Kate Moss to Work With Sir Philip Green
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- celebrities, celebrity designers, celebrity gossip, celebrity products, collaboration, kate moss, models, sir philip green, supermodels, topshop
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