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Monday June 20, 2011 5:21 pm
John Galliano to Attend Trial
Former Dior creative director John Galliano will attend his trial this week. The troubled fashion designer has been in rehab since he allegedly made anti-Semetic remarks in a Paris cafe in February, but insiders say he will be in court in the French capital for the initial hearing on Wednesday.
"John is still in rehab. The treatment will be long and arduous - and ongoing for a long time in the future - but he is humble, apologetic and hopeful that he can recover," a source said.
The initial hearing - which will be held in front of three judges but no jury as it is a minor offence - is expected to last between four and five hours, with witnesses from both sides giving evidence. The 50-year-old designer - who was fired from Dior over his remarks - is expected to blame a drug and alcohol addiction for the tirade, while his lawyer Aurelien Hamelle admits John can't remember the alleged incident.
"He does not remember because he was in an altered state... They do not reflect what he thinks. He's not anti-Semitic or racist," said Hamelle.
Gallery: John Galliano to Attend Trial
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- aurelien hamelle, christian dior, controversy, court, dior, fashion designers, john galliano, lawyers, legal issues
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