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Monday January 24, 2011 11:52 am
Giles Deacon, Sophie Theallet to Collaborate with Nine West
Giles Deacon will collaborate with Nine West on a capsule collection.
The British designer is one of a group of up-and-coming designers, artists and musicians the company has teamed up with to ensure a constant source of freshness for their brand under their new Shoelaborations initiative. "The rationale really is finding people with a great niche and following, and working with them to bring Nine West into their worlds," said Stacy Lastrina, chief marketing officer at brand parent The Jones Group.
Creative Director Fred Allard told WWD that Giles and fellow collaborator Sophie Theallet will "bring a new aesthetic to our stores," calling Sophie's designs "fresh and feminine" and Giles' style "futuristic, modern and exciting."
Giles' collaboration will be part of Nine West's Autumn campaign while French designer Sophie will launch her range in May. "For the collection I designed my own stripe print, which you will see interpreted on a ballet flat, a raffia wedge and a double platform sandal. I also designed little straw bags with charms representing icons of France."
The company said it is already in talks for partnerships with designers for 2012, but declined to reveal names.
Gallery: Giles Deacon, Sophie Theallet to Collaborate with Nine West
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