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Thursday August 26, 2010 10:37 am
Elizabeth Hurley Reveals More Controversial Dieting Techniques
Want to look like Elizabeth Hurley? The model-turned-actress claims that not eating breakfast keeps her slim.
The 45-year-old beauty has confessed she starts the day with mugs of hot water, followed later by a snack of oat cakes and an occasional espresso. After returning from holiday in France, she Tweeted, “My diet survived the onslaught of phenomenal vacation food-doctors disagree, but I swear by almost nothing for breakfast for adults. Mugs of hot water first thing, maybe an espresso and a few oat cakes mid morning.”
Earlier she had posted, “Another workout in the gym with the Australian and an awful lot of hot water. Sick of it now.”
Elizabeth, who is married to businessman Arun Nayar and has eight-year-old son Damian from a previous relationship, has been blasted by nutrition experts for her admission. “If you think that some hot water and a coffee is all you need to look like Liz Hurley, then I’m afraid you are wrong. This is not the breakfast that I would recommend to people with regular lives. First thing in the morning your body has not had any food or fuel all night and needs something to kick-start your day. The coffee will give you a kick but you will be relying on your body’s reserves and by mid-morning you would be more likely to snack on something unhealthy like a muffin,” said leading nutritionist Carina Norris.
The former actress has previously admitted to a series of bizarre diets. Before falling pregnant with Damian, she had a brief regime of eating just watercress soup, which is claimed to help lose 10lbs in seven days: “It’s fatless, low-calorie and I drink at least six cups a day when eager to lose pounds.”
She has previously confessed to eating just one meal a day - with a snack of six raisins - when trying to shed her post-pregnancy pounds: “The only meal I have is dinner. I’m on a good old-fashioned low-cal diet. I’m going to bed hungry.”
(FYI - You can also follow Chic Dish on Twitter.)
Gallery: Elizabeth Hurley Reveals More Controversial Dieting Techniques
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- beauty, body, breakfast, carina norris, celebrities, celebrity gossip, diet, dieting, diets, elizabeth hurley, health, models, nutrition, twitter, weight, weight loss
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