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Friday March 9, 2012 10:25 pm
Christopher Bailey’s Clothes Importance
Christopher Bailey thinks people should always think what impression their clothes give.
The British designer - who is the chief creative officer of Burberry - believes you never get a second chance to make a first impression and dressing well is important.
"It's so easy to get distracted by what other people think, do or say. But they don't live your life. You need to know what you want and who you are and you have to convey it to others quickly, so you shine at first impression. You may not have a second chance."
However, Christopher warns against trying to follow trends, and thinks people should always have a "balanced" look: ''Wearing color can be gimmicky - you don't want to look like a tangerine walking down the street. It should be sophisticated, making your eyes sparkle and your skin-tone warmer. Balance bold choices with a neutral, so you never appear overwhelmed."
Gallery: Christopher Bailey's Clothes Importance
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- burberry, christopher bailey, fashion designers, quote, quotes, style
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