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Wednesday October 6, 2010 3:31 pm
Christina Hendricks Carries a Heavy Load
Mad Men star Christina Hendricks thinks that her sex symbol image is a “heavy load” to carry.The 35-year-old beauty admitted that while she loves being an inspiration to women around the world, it can be a burden.
“It was quite a compliment to be acknowledged like that, but it’s a heavy load. It is a wonderful thing that she said but I’m not going to feel responsible for anyone or anything. If I’ve made someone feel better about their curves then that would make me feel really proud.”
However, Christina - who is married to actor Geoffrey Arnaud - revealed she goes through phases of being unhappy with her body.
“I’ve always been pretty healthy about my figure. It’s just my body, you know. Every once in a while someone says something that’s a little inappropriate, but for the most part people are nice. Of course I’ve had moments when I’ve stressed about it but what woman doesn’t? Instead of dwelling on it unhealthily, I try to do something about it, like going to the gym with my husband, or I just try to work out why I’m feeling that way and shake it off.”
Gallery: Christina Hendricks Carries a Heavy Load
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- actresses, beauty, body, celebrities, christina hendricks, health, mad men, plus size, sidefeatured, weight
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