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Tuesday November 2, 2010 4:01 am
Alber Elbaz Did H&M Line So That All Women Could Afford Lanvin
Alber Elbaz says the inspiration behind his H&M collaboration was to give all women the chance to wear his creations. The Lanvin artistic director has designed a range of affordable clothing for the Swedish high street brand and is keen to appeal to females who can't normally afford to buy his pieces.
"It was an exercise for me to understand what is the relationship between high fashion and fast fashion. Ninety-five per cent of women cannot afford Lanvin, so let them have a taste. It's like if I was living in a palace and opened some doors and said, 'Have tea with me, taste the food.' It's not about giving away something that belonged to someone else; it's about sharing."
Elbaz also insisted he didn't do the collaboration to be cool, he just wanted the Lanvin to be "relevant."
"The beauty of our business is that we can do things and then move on. This project with H&M was about being relevant to a moment. I have always said that we are not a cool brand. It's not about being cool or not. We try to be relevant. I'm not going into the cool club. It's not my address." The range hits stores this month.
Gallery: Alber Elbaz Did H&M Line So That All Women Could Afford Lanvin
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- alber elbaz, artistic director, creative director, diffusion line, fashion designer, fashion designers, h&m, lanvin
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