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Saturday December 5, 2009 11:29 am

Quote of the Day: Christian Louboutin on His Slutty Customers

Christian Louboutin

“There’s the sexy side, and then there is the Parisian side, which is complementary but also the opposite. If you are very chic you might not need an extra drop of chicness, so you go for the sexy side and buy my shoes because they are… tarty. We get very smart women coming in and buying a pair to feel a little more sluttish. And then, thank God, we also get the hookers coming in the store, who buy my shoes because they are superchic. You see, whatever you have, if you add a drop of the opposite, then it just becomes a little more sexy.”

- Shoe designer Christian Louboutin on the range of customers his products attract.

(Make sure to check out other notable quotes.)

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