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Monday January 31, 2011 4:26 pm
Helena Bonham Carter Explains Her Fashion Decisions
Although Helena Bonham Carter's career has included a list of memorable performances, the choices she has made off-screen are what many people know her for.
So why exactly does the King's Speech star make such interesting fashion decisions for herself?
“Sometimes I get it right and I sometimes I get it wrong,” the recent Oscar nominee told People. “But fashion is all about having fun. I think fashion has been hijacked by the fashion industry creating rules on what one should wear and I feel like breaking the mold and seeing that the world won’t crumble.”
Apparently one of those rules she doesn't mind breaking is wearing two shoes of the same color.
“Why not wear mismatching shoes? Who says we can’t? I was just having fun,” she explained. “For me, fashion is all about fantasy and putting unlikely things together."
It should come as no surprise that a fashion experimenter like her would look up to a risk taker like Lady Gaga. "I love the way she dresses. She’s like a work of art,” Bonham Carter declared. “Anybody who is inventive, different or has fun like her, I love and admire. I’m amazed that she’s able to stand up in some of those shoes she wears.”
Read More | People
Gallery: Helena Bonham Carter Explains Her Fashion Decisions
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