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Sunday March 10, 2013 4:04 am
Alec Baldwin’s Daughter to Model
Alec Baldwin's daughter has signed a deal with a top modeling agency.
The 30 Rock actor's 17-year-old daughter Ireland, whose mother is Kim Basinger, revealed she is "happy" after being snapped up by IMG Models and a professional management firm.
The 6' 2" blonde beauty, who lives in Los Angeles with her actress mother, shared her excitement on Twitter, writing, "Officially working for @TwoManagement and @IMGmodels! I'm blessed, happy, and ready to WEEEEERK (sic)"
Ireland previously revealed she and her new step-mother Hilaria Thoams have a great relationship: "Hilaria and I are really close. She's like a big sister to me, but I feel like I haven't spent enough time with her yet. We have a lot more to learn about each other and we have a lot more experiences to have together. We joke around and I call her 'Mom.' But I respect her, it's not like setting up booby traps in her room."
Gallery: Alec Baldwin's Daughter to Model
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- agencies, alec baldwin, celebrity kids, img models, ireland baldwin, kim basinger, models, twitter, two management
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