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Sunday September 28, 2014 9:51 am

How to paint ombre nails with plastic wrap marble

Posted by Taylor Peterson Categories: Beauty, How To,

Ombre plastic wrap marble nails

I love the ombre look and have done it several times. I saw the pin from Glitter, She Wrote with instructions on a plastic wrap marble look and since I already had an appointment today, I thought I would try this out. It is always hard for me to pick a color, but pink is my favorite so I decided to go with that for my base.

I started with two coats of pink and waited approximately 6 minutes for them to dry. Six minutes was not long enough, and I immediately smudged my nail trying to cut the plastic wrap. Luckily, I was going to add a messy color on top, so I didn't have to bother with fixing it, and you can't even see where that error was. Finally, a technique works even if you have smudges and dings!

Plastic Wrap marble nails how to

I tore off a few strips of Glad Cling Wrap approximately two inches in length and cut them into strips. You don't want to reuse any of these plastic wrap squares--especially if you are doing the ombre nail--since you are actually pulling the polish off of the nail and don't want to combine the colors. I started with my pinky nail and used the lightest color of blue. I only add one coat of polish and immediately pulled off with the plastic wrap. I found you get a better result if you give it about 15 seconds to get a little bit tacky before removing, as less of the polish comes off.

Ombre plastic wrap marble nails

As you go through this process, be sure you are painting and marbling just one nail at a time. If you try to paint all five at once, the polish will be a little too dry by the time you get to the last nail. Also, as you I got to the larger nail bed I received better results from blotting smaller areas of the nail rather than one large press. Just dab a little at each side in small blots--again, this removes less in one place and gives more of a marble appearance.

Ombre plastic wrap marble nails done

I love how my thumbs turned out using the darkest color. After I finished all ten nails I added a top coat and gave them a full ten minutes to dry. The top coat gave it an extra shine, and I really love the results! Next time I'm thinking of trying this with a neon pink base and black on top.

Have you tried this? Let us know what you think in the comments!

Gallery: How to paint ombre nails with plastic wrap marble

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brenda the nail guru brenda the nail guru 10/9/14 4:00 am

Nice technique! It is kind of cool to have the uncertain outcome and variety rather than a tightly controlled result.

Short nails Short nails 11/8/14 11:11 pm

They’re amazing! So jealous!

Joe Wang Joe Wang 11/28/14 4:02 pm

Hmm..nice work! Those colors look beautiful! Will have to share this with my friend who runs a nail salon. =)

Sally Jones Sally Jones 12/27/14 1:36 am


Great post, I always wondered how to do this!

Kristen Youmans Kristen Youmans 3/14/15 8:24 pm

Looks great! I will definitely have to try that now 😊

Hannah K Henry Hannah K Henry 6/3/15 9:21 am

Really look awesome and i’m highly recommending you if you want nail art designs with this great post then you must see

BB Cream BB Cream 7/25/15 2:38 am

Hi! great post. I try combine other colors. Amazong results!!

Kristen Youmans Kristen Youmans 7/28/15 3:52 pm

That is way neat! You can also make your own nail polish using eyeshadows or pigments!
Love the ombre look!

Amazing Post and Nice Combination Colour .Great Art

Nail Design Nail Design 9/9/15 4:58 pm

Great Post
I like the nailart
And the Design
Thanks for the insporation

Nail Design Nail Design 9/9/15 5:00 pm

i like the blue nails
Thanks for the inspiration


Love them! Great tutorial.


Kelly Ryan Kelly Ryan 9/27/15 9:45 am

Ombre nails are popular nowadays especially for teenagers and young adults.

Alina Angel Alina Angel 10/5/15 3:31 pm

I really love Ombre nails very much and really appreciate author’s effort to post very informative article.

Gabriela Lopez Gabriela Lopez 10/13/15 6:33 am

Hi Taylor, thanks for the post, I learn something from it.

This is fabulous Ombre Nail Art and to use strips to create a different types of designs.

Great Nail Art Please do a tutorial on how to achieve this kind of <a href=“http://bit.ly/1QZmtcF”>Nail Art Designs </a>

Nail art designs Nail art designs 12/13/15 5:24 am

this is awesome designs to pain a nails.

Acrylic nails Acrylic nails 1/7/16 12:55 am

Best post ever thanks your gettin my nails done

Saw them they are great thanks for ideas <a ></a>

Looks Queen Looks Queen 1/17/16 1:55 am

This awesome tutorial to create ombre nail art. but you can also try valentine day nail art designs.

WOW I really love what you’ve done here.

Such an incredible technique, who would have thought that something so cheap and uninspiring could lead to these beautiful designs.

Frankie Frankie 1/24/16 9:59 am

Could you do that with a matt top coat like here

or would it only work with a shiny finish.

Really great technique BTW

Great post, I enjoyed your post it was nice.

The result is best if you leave it for 15 seconds. Though the technique is awsome, i tried it and thanks alot for sharing this with me

Mary D. Ball Mary D. Ball 4/3/16 2:54 am

Thanks a lot for sharing the tips with the readers like me. <a href=“http://www.ellahays.com/cute-easy-nail-art-designs/”></a>

Very nice post .Nice tutorial for create ombre nail art .I will also try combine other colors

Skin white Skin white 6/21/16 12:34 am

Good article. These are tips to beautify your nails. The need for women to look feminim.

Rt Mehmood Rt Mehmood 8/30/16 9:04 pm

I really love Ombre nails very much and really appreciate author’s effort to post very informative article…

Nokia lumia 535 Nokia lumia 535 9/10/16 7:24 am

excellent work!

SM Khalequzzaman SM Khalequzzaman 9/18/16 8:53 am

You can also use pigment eyeshadows or nail polish can make your own !

SM Khalequzzaman SM Khalequzzaman 9/18/16 8:55 am

You can also use pigment eyeshadows or nail polish can make your own !


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Christina Lopez Christina Lopez 11/25/16 9:54 am

Such beautiful nails.  I also have a website to help you make your nails beautiful.  If you are looking for nearby nail salon locations check out our website.

mobilerdx mobilerdx 12/18/16 5:41 pm

Nice and cool one keep it up in future.

tow chandler tow chandler 12/28/16 10:43 am

Whoa! This is impressive. I leaned back in my chair a bit and was just sitting here pondering everything you said. Really cool.

Whoa! This is impressive. Very nice post .Nice tutorial for create.<A href=“http://xn—diseosdeuasdecoradas-66bf.com/” rel=“author” rel=“bookmark” rel=“alternate” rel=“dofollow”>nail art</a> I will also try combine colors

Nicole Bogle Nicole Bogle 2/8/17 5:14 am

It is always the best when a post shows clear visuals through photos of the process.

Leave a good article that was very functional.

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Really nice work .Thanks

Really nice n good work.Thanks a lot,

Really Good work.thanks a lot,

Jamal Kaiser Durrani Jamal Kaiser Durrani 3/25/17 11:35 pm

This article is very good and informative,writer effort is great and you get all about
in this write up

Thanks for putting this out there! lovely blog here 😊


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