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Sunday September 24, 2006 2:41 am

MySpace and 75% of the DD Team

Posted by Dennis Velasco Categories: Site Announcements,

Alvin Lai, Dennis Velasco, Ron Chow

Yeah, so I’ve been meaning to promote the Dropping Dimes MySpace page, but basically have been either:

A) Too busy writing the best content for you, the DD viewer, regarding my Draft Blog picks
B) Too lazy because I’m fat, have chronic fatigue syndrome, and/or have the attention span of Dwight Gooden or Darryl Strawberry during the 80’s
C) Too smart and avoiding the crack of the internet, not wanting to go to virtual rehab
D) A little bit of all of the above

In any case, here’s the page.  Feel free to ADD us because we only have like four friends, and just like in real life, I had to pay them.  And, if you want to know a little more about the four of us, you can read for yourself.

As you faithful readers know (Mom, Dad), the DD team is comprised of two regular dudes in the States (Sarge and myself) and two guys that spell color, colour, up in Toronto, Canada (Alvin and Ron).  Wouldn’t you know that last week the two Canadians came down to visit the New York City area where I currently live and share air with millions of other humans, as well as mice, rats, and other assorted vermin.  So, naturally, the three of us had to hook up.  Unfortunately, Sarge couldn’t make it from Cleveland and it felt like The Beatles without John Lennon.  Oh well, the beat goes on.

There are a few cool stories to share - three of the four DD team members actually meeting for the first time and finding out I’m the best looking one (I guess that makes me Paul then), my son showing off his percussion instrument skills in Washington Square Park, and the unfortunate, but TOTALLY hilarious (my wife couldn’t stop laughing) accident that had my crotch wet with water at the restaurant.  Ah, yes, good times.  And for those that are curious, I’ll put a pic up of my wet crotch on our MySpace account at some point.  Someone remind me. 

In any case, I thought we should share a picture with you guys out there.  You know, relate to our audience and all that.  Well, Alvin is to the left, pimping his Starbury shirt (Alvin, why do you like him again?  Sorry, disgruntled Knicks fan here), I’m in the middle wearing my Oakland Athletics hat (I heart Billy Beane), and that’s Ron on the right.  After seeing the pic, Sarge e-mailed me noting how big Ron is (the dude is a house and I’ve designated him DD’s resident butt-kicker) and I made a wrestling reference comment to Sarge calling Ron, Hulk Asian.  However, Sarge topped me and called Ron another name - Big Ron Stud. 


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