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One of my favorite games to play is the Casting Game, guessing who could play what part in a movie version of a book or comic.
And I’m also a big fan of Kyle Baker’s work, and The Cowboy Wally Show and Why I Hate Saturn are two of my favorite graphic novels.
On Facebook, Kyle recently said “Out in LA meeting about live action adaptations of the GNs I own. I really want Tom Hanks to play Cowboy Wally. Other casting suggestions?”
And the feed went crazy. Mike Carlin (former DC Executive Editor) suggested Stephen Root for Cowboy Wally, or “if you need more star power” go for Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Another suggested Jeff Daniels or John Goodman.
Click to continue reading Kyle Baker Casts Cowboy Wally
Read More | Kyle Baker's Facebook
In all the excitement of the 2012 election, one race has been overlooked by fans of comics, science fiction, fantasy and gaming: World of Warcraft has achieved a stunning victory, thanks to a Democrat.
Demons in the Republican Party of Maine tried to smear candidate Colleen Lachowicz as unfit for public office because of her mad gaming skills - she plays WoW as "a level-85 orc named Santiaga."
According to news reports, the Republican Party accused her of leading "a bizarre double life and set up a website revealing her participation in World of Warcraft. Not only did the site show off a picture of the orc rogue assassin character she plays, it also dug up online comments she made about her love of the (sometimes violent) game. The Republican Party also sent out mailers as well as a press release claiming her 'disturbing alter-ego' had been 'revealed.'"
Click to continue reading World Of Warcraft For The Win!
Read More | World Of Warcraft Victory
Quote Of The Day: Robert Kirkman on The Walking Dead

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Television, Image Comics,
"As we were crafting this season, we realized that there was a lot to do with Rick and Carl after that event, so the moment kept moving closer to the beginning of the season until it was in Episode 4. This is the kind of episode that most people would save for the finale, but to have it so early in the season, it's like, 'What comes next?!' It really gives this season a pretty intense drive. It was really jarring, which I think is pretty cool."
- Robert Kirkman, co-creator and executive producer of The Walking Dead
Be sure to check out our other notable quotes!
[Artwork: The Walking Dead]
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Weekend Reading: Disney, Star Wars, James Bond and MAD

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Reviews,
To everyone in the Eastern US affected by Frankenstorm Sandy, my heart goes out to you. Stay safe and I hope normalcy returns as soon as possible. (And don’t forget to vote!)
Show business knew how to take away the game ball from Sandy coverage with the announcement that George Lucas was selling Lucasfilm to Disney for $4 billion (with a ‘b’). That’s just mind-boggling.
And with that news came the news that new Star Wars films will be forthcoming with Lucas not involved in their production. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, Lucas announced his charitable intentions with the $4 billion. What a week. Marvel and DC will have to stage a double-secret-reboot just to get a little press.
Let’s see what else is going on:
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Disney, Star Wars, James Bond and MAD
Is Dark Metamorpho appealing to you? Do you envision a revamp of Challengers of the Unknown as a band of roving serial killers? Then you might want to be involved in the New 52 @ DC Comics!
And now’s your chance: they’re looking for both an Editor and an Assistant Editor.
For the Editor position, it’s in DC’s east coast office in Manhattan and is part of the DCU. You’ll be handling a minimum of 5 monthly titles.
For the Assistant Editor position, it’s also in Manhattan, but doesn’t make it clear that it’s in the DCU department.
For both positions, “Knowledge of comic book industry strongly preferred.”
Good luck, job seekers!
[Artwork: © Justice League Dark Annual #1, DC Comics]
Check this out! Danny Fingeroth and The Society Of Illustrators are hosting Will Eisner: Portrait of A Sequential Artist on November 7.
It’s “a full-length feature film documentary about the pioneering comics and graphic novel creator that includes interviews with Eisner and many of the foremost creative talents in the U.S., including Kurt Vonnegut, Michael Chabon, Jules Feiffer, Jack Kirby, Art Spiegelman (who also narrates the film), Frank Miller, Stan Lee, and Gil Kane.”
Before the movie there’s a buffet dinner and after the movie, there will be a panel discussion, led by Fingeroth, that includes Dennis O’Neil, Paul Levitz and movie’s director, Andrew D. Cooke.
After the panel, there’ll be a signing and a sale of DVDs of the movie and “selected works by Eisner," and works by the panelists.
Click to continue reading Dinner and A Will Eisner Movie
Read More | Society Of Illustrators
Quote Of The Day: John Scalzi on Disney/Star Wars

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Marvel Comics,
"In fact, if Disney had any brains at all, it would give the administration of the Star Wars property over to its Marvel Studios and say 'That thing? That thing you did with The Avengers? Yes, that. Here. Now.'"
- Award-winning science fiction writer John Scalzi (Redshirts, Old Man's War) weighing in on Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm
Be sure to check out our other notable quotes!
[Artwork: Star Wars]
Read More | John Scalzi
Batman: Li’l Gotham by Dustin Nguyen

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Reviews, DC Comics,
Others have reported on this so it won’t come as news, but it’s too good to not share. Because it's Batman!
DC Comics has a new digital venture that looks amazing. Batman: Li’l Gotham is from artist and co-writer Dustin Nguyen and his co-writer Derek Fridolfs. Batman: Li’l Gotham is a “stylized, watercolor take on the heroes and villains of Gotham, and each new installment will be set against the major holiday of each month.”
Click to continue reading Batman: Li’l Gotham by Dustin Nguyen
Read More | Batman: Lil Gotham @ Comixology
Star Wars/Disney jokes were old the second the deal for Disney to acquire Lucasfilm was announced, but that won’t stop anyone, especially me.
A meme went around on Facebook earlier this week started by screenwriter William Martell. What are the best/worst Disney/Star Wars movies?
I joined in, thinking what a great idea, and then so I didn’t monopolize the thread, I started keeping my thoughts to myself to share them here because I can.
Here are my Top 10 Disney/Star Wars mash-ups. But be careful!
As Admiral Ackbar will say, “It’s a Parent Trap!”
10. The Scarecrow of Romney Maul
9. The Computer Wore Light Sabres
Click to continue reading Disney/Star Wars: Top 10
"Whew. Just saw the new Iron Man trailer. I’m really glad they got rid of that 'snarky humor action adventure' trope. No AC/DC, no quips, no fast cars, no stripping stewardesses. Finally, the pointless debris of 'entertainment' has been discarded in favor of the grim truth that lies beneath the surface of every comic book character."
- Chris Ulm, co-founder of Appy Entertainment (and a co-founder of Malibu Comics in an earlier life) saw the trailer for Iron Man 3 and it inspired him. And that's just the beginning of his epic takedown.
Be sure to check out our other notable quotes.
[Artwork: Iron Man 3]
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