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Webcomic: The Double Life of Miranda Turner

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Reviews, Independent,
My pal the artist and writer George Kambadais has thrown his stylus into the ring and launched his own webcomic.
The Double Life of Miranda Turner follows the adventures of Miranda, whose life is about to get shaken up. Her sister, Linda (who, according to George, "is based on the public domain Harvey Comics character Black Cat"), was a costumed crimefighter who was killed. She exists now as a ghost, seen only by Miranda. And the ghostly Linda wants Miranda to pick up where she left off and save the world... something Miranda doesn’t believe she can do.
There's crime, mystery, adventure, and the ongoing sibling banter between two sisters that continues even though one of them is deceased. It's just getting going, and George says his "plan is to do 5 pages every 15 days."
If the page on this page is as appealing to you as it is to me, you'll like Miranda!
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I think this may be the first must-have book of 2013 for me.
Virgil Partch was one of the great cartoonists. I first discovered him doing his relatively normal syndicated comic strip, Big George. But I soon discovered a book collection of his old gag cartoons and realized that he was a complete and utter nut.
He had a wild line, drew insane-looking men and women, and his situations were often over-the-top - it was like looking at a single frame of a Tex Avery cartoon, but signed with Partch’s signature signature: VIP. That shouldn’t have been surprising since Partch was a former animator.
Click to continue reading VIP: The Mad World Of Virgil Partch
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CBS Interactive is not the normal place one would go for a comic book job, but they have one, even if it has only a slight comic book connection.
They're looking for an intern for their Communications team in their San Francisco office for summer 2013 (why wait 'til the last minute).
The position has all the usual requirements and responsbilities one might associate with being an intern, so there aren't any surprises at the listing.
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: CBS Interactive
"Anyone schooled in Hammer — even at an elementary level — can see that the duo has succeeded. Personally, having recently consumed the Blu-rays of the early 1970s’ Vampire Circus and Twins Of Evil, I could see the stamp permeating every page: a heavy cloak of Gothic atmosphere, rich period details, tight corsets to best accentuate the cleavage …”
- Reviewer Rod Lott on Virgin Vampires, the graphic novel created by writer Douglas Brode and artist Joe Orsak
Be sure to check out our other notable quotes!
[Artwork: Virgin Vampires]
Read More | Bookgasm
Neil Clarke is the editor of a nifty sci-fi magazine called Clarkesworld.
The current issue - #74 - features fiction from E. Catherine Tobler, Maggie Clark and Brooke Wonders, and all kinds of other sci-fi goodies.
Neil’s found himself in a bit of a scrape - a bad personal year has put the finances of the magazine at risk.
He explains it better at his blog, but if you love the sci-fi and want to help keep a progressive (and paying) market viable, there are some opportunities to help out and get rewarded with quality readable stuff.
[Artwork: Clarkesworld]
Read More | Neil Clarke's Blog
Weekend Reading: James Bond, Peanuts, Bolland and Shang-Chi

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Reviews, Marvel Comics,
I'm still reeling from the loss of Twinkies and Ding Dongs, the meth of bloggers. So bear with me.
Tainted Archive points us in the direction of James Bond - all of the novels (including those not written by Ian Fleming) are being put online courtesy of Ian Fleming Publications.
I barely understand the world of high-finance, but apparently, Snoopy is going to be issuing bonds. Iconix, the owners of Peanuts, will use the money to go on a spending spree and acquire at least one more company for their portfolio.
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: James Bond, Peanuts, Bolland and Shang-Chi
Nothing says the future quite like "digital comics." And the leader in the digital comic book distribution game so far is Comixology.
Their New York office has four openings for people just like you.
First up is 2nd Shift Production Assistant, a part-time gig where you'll "set price information and activate price changes in multiple databases" and "participate in various tasks related to book activation and banner art/featured list updates across our various platforms and apps."
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: Comixology
"I am getting a number of messages and notes on the cancellation of Hellblazer. This was not an easy decision and I'd like to say there is a natural conclusion to the Constantine storyline in the Hellblazer series. Number 300 will be as special as you would expect it to be. Hellblazer's had a long and incredibly successful run and that's a tip of the hat to all the great creators that have worked on the book over the years. The new Constantine series will return him back to his roots in the DCU and hopefully be the start of another incredible run. Thanks for all your thoughts and support. Best, DD"
- Dan DiDio addresses fanboy outrage at the cancellation of Hellblazer (posted on his Facebook wall)
Be sure to check out our other notable quotes.
[Artwork: Hellblazer, © DC Comics]
Read More | Dan DiDio's Facebook
In honor of the opening weekend of Skyfall, the new James Bond movie, we present our first ever James Bond Awards.
Best Bond Movie directed by a cross-dressing fetishist: Lee Tamahori’s Die Another Day
Best Bond Bad Girl: Luciana Paluzzi (Thunderball)
Click to continue reading The Comix 411 James Bond Awards
Weekend Reading: Star Wars, James Bond, Nick Fury & Walking Dead

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, DC Comics, Marvel Comics,
Big weekend: there's a new James Bond out in theaters and no matter if it's good or bad, the arguments over how it stacks up against all the other Bonds has already begun.
So in honor of the new Bond movie, Skyfall, Life shows off pix of the very first Bond girl you don’t remember: Linda Christian, from 1954’s Casino Royale with Barry Nelson.
One of the artists who worked on Wreck-It Ralph, Joe Pitt, has put some of his fantastic conceptual art up on his Tumblr.
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Star Wars, James Bond, Nick Fury & Walking Dead
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