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Q&A: Marc Tyler Nobleman on Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster and Bill Finger

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Interviews,
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…a children’s book about Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the creators of Superman. Marc Tyler Nobleman published his first book in 1996 and is the author of over 70 children’s books, including the recent Boys of Steel, the story of how Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster came to create Superman back in the 1930s. It’s the behind-the-scenes story of their struggle to create the Man of Steel and to get it published, all while never letting go of their dream. Best of all, Marc uses Siegel and Shuster’s own words, culled from interviews with both creators in fanzines, magazines and newspapers.
Published by Knopf, “Boys of Steel” just won the prestigious Kirkus Reviews “Best Children’s Book” Award for 2008. In addition to “Boys of Steel,” Marc’s current book is “What’s The Difference?” a whimsical reference for teens and adults that explains the distinctions between things we often confuse, such as geek/nerd, alligator/crocodile, vanilla/French vanilla, democracy/republic, and rap/hip-hop.
TOM: First off, how big a comics fan are you?
Click to continue reading Q&A: Marc Tyler Nobleman on Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster and Bill Finger
Ledger gets the nod, but Dark Knight comes up short!

Posted by David Torres Categories: Editorials, Movies,
The Oscar nominations were announced today. To no one’s surprise, Heath Ledger received a nomination for Best Supporting Actor in “The Dark Knight”. Also to no one’s surprise, the film itself did not get any other major award nominations such as Best Picture, Best Director, or Best Screenplay.
As long as Academy voters look at comic films with disdain, no matter how good they are; no matter how many positive reviews they get; no matter how much money they make; they will never ever give a film like “The Dark Knight” respect. As comic fans, I think we shouldn’t care anymore. If we enjoy these films and watch them over and over again, who cares if they don’t get the Oscar.
Congratulations to Heath and good luck.
Read More | Yahoo Movies
Yesterday’s episode of “LOST"was the premiere to the fifth season. It was entitled “Because You Left”. As I mentioned in my previous blog, I was anxiously awaiting for the episode to air. I read my son his story and laid down next to him until he fell asleep. He was asleep by 8:56 pm - just in time. Thank you, God. Was it worth the wait? Was I disappointed? Absolutely not!
This episode really got into the whole time travel plotline that has been slowly revealing itself over the past season. If you still haven’t seen the episode, go away right now. I’m not going to reveal everything, but I will discuss some of the things that did happen in the episode.
Click to continue reading Television Review: LOST 1/21/09
Let’s face it. They’ll kill Captain America before they kill Batman. Whoops - they did
Now we all know comics are not for kids anymore. Trix maybe, comics, no. But we are all adults here and we know that Cap will be back in time for the movie and, after the second year without Batman, he will return also. I am sure that if Captain America can sail along with Bucky as the Winter Soldier then we can rest assured that a Search for the Cowl will find some worthy person to fill it. Add the fact that with RIP and Crisis totally screwing continuity all to hell and is so confusing so much so that my reps at DC can’t even keep it straight. Giving an answer such as “Well, it’s Grant Morrison…” is infuriating because adult fiction should be able to keep itself consistent. But, you know what? I can live with it.
What I cannot stand is this. They have killed Batman twice in two separate books. Dead in Batman 681 and dead in Crisis 6. Let us assume, for argument’s sake, that neither Batman was a clone, an android, a robot, a hero of any of the other 52 universes, or a leftover LMD from Marvel. My customers expect me to be the comic guru and I hate to feel foolish trying to explain, but I can’t explain. Maybe all the inconsistencies are really caused by Superboy Prime banging on the Walls of Eternity. I just don’t think so. It is sloppy writing and I can abide stupid better than sloppy. Still, I am sure that Crisis 7, which comes out next next, will explain it all. Don’t you?
Random and Not So Random Thoughts

Posted by Joel Rosenberg Categories: Editorials, DC Comics, Marvel Comics,
- Okay, in JLA 28 we have this character named Starbreaker. He devours the energy of planets and sends heralds out first. Now I realize there are a few differences, but haven’t we seen a similar character over in Marvel? Galactoid, Galacman, Dark Galac…something like that.
- I actually liked Dark Avengers. This is the way to set up a new storyline. Each replacement of an Avenger is recruited based on their powers in a nice orderly way. After trying to slog through Final Crisis this story seems so straightforward that it is a great relief. Starting a storyline at the beginning - a novel concept! And Mighty Avengers, also plunging into a new storyline was pretty much linear too. To have two Avenger books that have easy to read stories in the same month… Christmas is 11 months early.
- But Superman 3D is beyond awful and in a universe all its own. I guess I could try to re-read part 1 to have any hope of figuring this out, but life is too short. Who the hell are all these people? And why do so many entities want to destroy everything? Is it the characters or the writers that have deep-seeded psychological problems? The DC Universe needs its own Doc Sampson.
- There are so many factions running around trying to kill each other and conquer each other in Guardians of the Galaxy that it could get confusing, but luckily, we have Rocket Racoon to keep everything on the straight and narrow. And Cosmo the dog is just too precious.
- Over in Astonishing X-men besides all the regular mutants, we have Triploids (mutants with three-stranded DNA) and mutants from a parallel universe. Gee, weren’t we supposed to be down to 198 mutants plus one baby. And speaking of babies, wasn’t X-Factor off the weirdness chart?
- Emma Frost and Namor? Who knew? I am not sure if this book raised or lowered my mental IQ, but did I ever mention the sex quotient has really gotten more blatant in comics? Still, on a purely prurient basis I loved it. And it actually blends into the entire ILL-illuminati story line. And it has lots of sex in it. Or did I already say that.
Marvel Comics Review: Dark Avengers #1

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, Marvel Comics,
“Dark Avengers” is a new monthly comic book that was released this week by Marvel Comics. “Dark Avengers” is a part of the “Dark Reign” storyline that will be going on in Marvel over the next few months or so. “Dark Reign” deals with the aftermath of the “Secret Invasion” storyline that ended with Norman Osborn and his cabal assuming power behind the scenes in the Marvel Universe.
This first issue is very good, but it’s kind of a been there done that already. This idea of the Dark Avengers is just a continuation of what was done at the beginning of the “Thunderbolts” comic back in the 90s. Norman Osborn is in control of the Thunderbolts and at the end of “Secret Invasion,” he is now in command of SHIELD - which he has had dismantled. In it’s place will be HAMMER and his “new” Avengers.
Osborn’s Avengers consist of what appear to be some familiar faces: Ms Marvel, Spider-man, Hawkeye, and Wolverine. These are of course not the actual super heroes joining up with Norman Osborn. In their place instead are various villians taking over the roles - just like the Thunderbolts at the beginning of their series.
Click to continue reading Marvel Comics Review: Dark Avengers #1
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After eight long months, “LOST” returns tonight on ABC at 8:00 pm. The first hour is a clip show recapping everything that’s happened so far and then at 9:00 we have the two hour premiere. “LOST” is my favorite show on television right now. I watch a lot of TV, but other than “LOST,” I don’t watch any shows on a regular basis. I’ll catch an episode of “House” here and there; “Law and Order;” “South Park;” “Family Guy,” but “LOST” is the only show where I’m on my couch in front of the TV for the entire duration of the program when it first airs.
I’m recording it tonight because with two kids at home now, not sure if I’ll be able to start watching it immediately when it comes on. My oldest son James is afraid of the dark. I try to read to him every night and then I have to sleep on the trundle bed next to him until he falls asleep. My wife is dealing with our new born son and some times he doesn’t fall asleep until after nine. What ya goin’ do right?
Anyway, when we last left “LOST,” Jack had met up with Ben at the funeral home. Ben told Jack that they needed to go back to the island and bring all of the other Oceanic passengers who made it off the island back with them - including Jeremy Bentham. In the final scene of last season’s finale, we find out that the person in the coffin at the funeral home is the mysterious Jeremy Bentham who is actually John Locke. Why was John going by the name Jeremy Bentham? I’m assuming it has to do with the fact that John made it off the island and since the rest of the world believes he and all of the other Oceanic passengers on the island are dead, he needs to continue to keep that secret.
If you’re at work right now and want to goof off - like I’m doing, ABC has posted three clips which are two minutes each of tonight’s episode. Also, here are some sites that I go on to try and refresh my memory, read up on theories, and get spoiled if I’m feeling weak and I can’t wait until the show starts.
I’ll be posting my review sometime on Thursday. I can’t wait for tonight!
Read More | ABC
Welcome to the Tuesday Preview. We are up to 2 in a row!
Books will be issued on regular Wednesday. Monday was MLK Day but if UPS doesn’t take the day off, Diamond ships stuff. On the other hand, If we are supposed to celebrate the day, why do the Knicks play MLK afternoon every year?
Dark Avengers is the big book. Now we are inaugurating a new president on Tuesday so I could make a really cheap joke but I won’t. Rumor has it that some Thunderbolts are switching sides so we have Change Baby. Astonishing X-men also drops. The art and writing are usually fine but the storyline is hard to follow so the book is better in trade paperback format. Still, we hope. Spider-man Noir was. I thought, okay and with one main character it is certainly easier to follow than X-men Noir.
Remember that the 2nd printing of Amazing 583 debuts. The is the orange variant cover which is not the highly saught blue variant. Do not over pay for this. Also the Obama trading cards are here. The media reported that a signed Obama card went for $3100 on E-Bay. My distributor thinks this is insane because a Thomas Jefferson cut signature went for only $3000. Needless to say we are going to see a lot more Obama signed items in the future but they ain’t making anymore more Thomas Jefferson items. But if you come to my store,buy the cards anyway.
Finally, sad to say, Diamond has cancelled MILF Magnet 1. Now I always say to the comic critics that if they think it is so easy, design a complete new super power. All my customers were anxious to read this book although none of them actually committed to buying it.I guess, however, when we discuss which super power we want, this might beat flying.
Q&A: Zach Weiner and Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Interviews,
Zach Weiner has been aware of all internet traditions since the late 1990s, and his website, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal is one of the most popular webcomics around. There are dozens of adjectives to describe the (mostly) single-panel daily strip, but the best one is this: funny. Zach brings it. SMBC is a hilarious mix of cartoons based on pop culture, science, relationships, and nerd humor, making it a must-read for thousands of fans.
In addition to his solo work on SMBC, Zach has also written Captain Excelsior a 96-page graphic novel illustrated by Chris Jones. Captain Excelsior reads like a mash-up of NBC’s The Office and Ben Edlund’s The Tick. Zach and Chris finished it at the end of 2008 and the whole full-color thing is available for a free read over at their site. Start here and work your way through – you’ll want to keep clicking to the next page. More work from Zach is promised in the future and eagerly awaited. Now grab a bowl and a spoon and have some Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal with Zach.
TOM: When did you launch “Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal”?
Click to continue reading Q&A: Zach Weiner and Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials,
Tim Hamilton’s career in comics stretches back to the late 1980s when he worked on The Trouble With Girls with writer/creators Gerard Jones and Will Jacobs. He has since worked for Nickelodeon Magazine, MAD Magazine, The New York Times Book Review, Dark Horse, and BOOM Studios. His adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island was published as a graphic novel by Puffin Graphics in 2005. His follow-up project is another beautifully rendered graphic novel, an adaptation of Ray Bradbury’s iconic and always-contemporary book-burning classic, Fahrenheit 451. The 176-page full color book is scheduled for publication from Hill and Wang (an imprint of Macmillan) in July 2009. Here’s the official cover. Feel free to click over to his website, and see what else he’s posting over there.
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