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I've written before about my history with writer Don McGregor (Killraven, Black Panther, Detectives, Inc. and so much more).
Now, Clifford Meth, who in the past has helped out Dave Cockrum's widow and Gene Colan, is reporting that Don could use a little help.
Clifford is organizing a worthwhile effort to help Don meet some unexpected and sad expenses. So get over to his blog and see what you can do to help out.
If you're not familiar with Don or his work, here's a Mile High interview with him that covers a lot of ground.
[Artwork: Amazing Adventures #29 featuring Killraven © Marvel Comics]
Weekend Reading: Kirby, Ditko, Cowboys & Aliens And Marvel Comics

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Interviews, Movies, DC Comics, Image Comics, Marvel Comics,
I’m sure you’ve heard by now that the Kirby family lost its claim in court to the copyright to characters Jack Kirby created. As usual, Tom Spurgeon at The Comics Reporter has the best analysis.
Now let’s see what else is out there.
Cowboys: Deadline continues to do the number-crunching on this week’s comic book-inspired film, Cowboys & Aliens. The early results show an under-performer.
Blood: And over at Bleeding Cool, Rich Johnston looks at the long journey getting Cowboys & Aliens from concept to screen.
Ditko: Tom McLean at Bags & Boards doesn’t post as often as he should, but when he does, it’s worth reading. His latest is a review of Blake Bell’s Strange and Stranger: The World of Steve Ditko from Fantagraphics. This is a beautiful snip: “Could Ditko be a first-generation fanboy, an 83-year-old whose life was spent obsessing first over comics and later over a juvenile political philosophy that only makes sense within a self-imposed bubble?”
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Kirby, Ditko, Cowboys & Aliens And Marvel Comics
Top 10 Surprises In Captain America

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Marvel Comics,
To some people’s surprise (that would be me, if you’re asking), Marvel Comics made an excellent movie about Captain America.
Who’d’ve thought that the shield-slinging WWII hero would translate so well to the screen? It’s so good, that they may wait at least 8 years before rebooting it.
But for those that watch the movie a second or third time (that would be me, if you’re asking), there are some surprises lurking in the margins.
Here then, are the Top 10 Surprises In The New Captain America Movie:
10: His shield is made out of Reb Brown’s career
9. It’s not just the skull that’s red
8. The Falcon calls the studio every day. "I'm in the sequel right?"
Click to continue reading Top 10 Surprises In Captain America
Comic Con International: Bone by Jeff Smith

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Independent,
When Bone by Jeff Smith first came out as an independent comic book, I completely ignored it.
I didn't deliberately ignore it, it's just that my LCS didn't carry it and I didn't even know it existed for the first year of its printed life.
However, at the San Diego Comic Con International in 1992, I ran into my friend Wayne Markley who worked for the distributor Capital City. He asked me what I thought of Bone. When I proclaimed my ignorance, he dragged me over to Jeff Smith's table, introduced me to the creator and then shoved the issues-to-date in my hands and told Jeff I'd take them all, ring me up.
Wayne's judgment in these matters was always solid so I did as I was told. I bought them, read them while at the con (no easy task), loved them and duly thanked Wayne when next I saw him. And when next I saw him, a couple of days later, he invited me to join him for dinner on Capital City's dime.
Click to continue reading Comic Con International: Bone by Jeff Smith
Read More | Boneville
"One can only hope [Cowboys & Aliens] is the happy start to a long line of Hollywood films that settle ancient, legendary rivalries: Centaurs & Gangsters; Zombies & Boxers; Pterodactyls & Frisbees; Demons & the cast of '80s sitcom Full House (who may be on the same side)."
-- Chris Lackner, Postmedia News
(Make sure to check out other notable quotes.)
[Artwork: Daniel Craig, from Cowboys & Aliens]
Read More | Postmedia News
Brent Anderson: Astro City Art Theft

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Image Comics,
This was posted on Facebook and I’m reposting it here to help get the word out.
Artist Brent Anderson had his car broken into at the San Diego Zoo this week and a whole pile of his original art was heisted by the thieves.
Pages are from Astro City Vols. 1 & 2 & Local Heroes; Astro City: Dark Age Books 1 (#s 1-4), 2 (#s 1-4) & 3 (#s 1-4).
Keep an eye out and if you see them on the market via eBay or Craigslist or at conventions, please contact Brent immediately.
Also, the thieves might be dopes and not realize how hard it is to dump stolen original comic art without the whole of the internets finding out, so comic book shops, flea markets and pawn shops should also be wary.
Additional details can be found at the Comic Book Resources forums.
[Art: Astro City: Dark Age; cover by Alex Ross, not one of the missing pieces, but it's dramatic]
Comic Con International 2011: My Con Report

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Collecting, Conventions, Editorials, Movies, Television, DC Comics, Image Comics,
So I'm back from the latest Comic Con extravaganza in San Diego. Unlike other folks that gather up news and special announcements, I gather up a few odds and ends.
Here's my Comic Con report for 2011 (Spoiler Alert: names will be dropped):
Planet of the Apes – When Boom!'s marketing director Chip Mosher asks, I answer! I was on the Boom! Planet of the Apes panel as a guest and had a great time with the engaged crowd. Editor Ian Brill, writer Daryl Gregory and myself talked about the movies, the comics, the creators and time travel. Life is rarely that good.
Aaron Lopresti – Dinner with the artist on the upcoming Justice League International series from DC. We spent it art-spotting with licensed merchandise. Pal Dave Olbrich bought along a 1970s-era Master of Kung Fu drinking glass and it was decided that it was a Gil Kane figure with a face reworked by Romita, Sr.
Marineman – I had a great chat with Ian Churchill, creator of Marineman, the Image Comics title that's also an Eisner-winner. I plopped down $15 for the collected 6 issues. I'm halfway through and it's money well-spent.
Portfolio Review – Dropped in on Space Goat's Dave Olbrich (him again) as he flipped through portfolios offering advance and gentle criticism. Lots of talented folks this year.
Click to continue reading Comic Con International 2011: My Con Report
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