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Weekend Reading: Green Lantern, Joss Whedon, Jack Kirby And James Bond

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Television, DC Comics,
I spent Thanksgiving outside the US this year so I’m stuffed with stir-fried shrimp and chocolate ice cream, which made for an excellent breakfast of leftovers, because that's just how I roll.
If you’re out and about shopping now for the holidays, here’s the best Holiday Shopping Gift Guide you’re ever going to need for the 2010 credit card season, courtesy of Tom Spurgeon at The Comics Reporter.
Let’s see what else is going on:
Green Lantern: If you’ve been in awe of the new Ryan Reynolds trailer for Green Lantern, there’s at least one person with an alternate view worth reading: Ricky Sprague at Project Child Murdering Robot. “The Green Lantern Corps is their ‘muscle,’ enforcing their rules of righteousness. They take creatures from various parts of the universe and have them fight 'evil.' There are lots of different GLs, made up of different species from different planets. You can see where this is starting to get lame.”
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Green Lantern, Joss Whedon, Jack Kirby And James Bond
Derek Ruiz, Daniel Sampere Adapt Bestselling Novel The Alchemist

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Reviews,
Click to continue reading Derek Ruiz, Daniel Sampere Adapt Bestselling Novel The Alchemist
Previously, DC Comics in Burbank was looking for a Creative Services Coordinator.
Now they’re looking for a Creative Services Manager.
You’ll be working in the Creative Services department in conjunction with Warner Brothers Consumer Products, “overseeing and guiding creative,” and creating/providing “materials for licensees concerning concept, character, story and design when requested.”
They’d prefer someone with a college degree and 3-5 years experience in creative licensing and brand management, experience with highly confidential materials (can’t let the schematics for the new Green Lantern figure hit the internets too soon), and a “passion for DC characters and properties.”
Good luck, job seekers!
[Artwork: Garbage Man by Aaron Lopresti. One of the new characters appearing in DC’s upcoming anthology book, Weird Worlds, © DC Comics]
British Comics: Scheme Comix #1

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Reviews, Independent,
I like anthology comics. I think they can be a great showcase for both a writer and an artist and if you’re in the mood for a short story instead of a long multi-part epic, they can really hit the spot.
That’s what led me to Scheme Comix, a new indy anthology from Happy World Productions and produced in cooporation with Arts Council Scotland. It’s a pocket-sized 32-page black and white collection of “5 tales of Suspense! Shocks! And Romance!” according to the cover blurb.
All of them are illustrated by Kev Harper, with writing from David Walker, Sharon Irvine and Louise C. Gordon.
Regardless of how long corporate comics survive, I like that there’s a vibrant group of DIY-ers driven to do it themselves, either on the internets or, in this case, print.
I like the variety of stories here: a private eye, space babes, and what looks like the beginning of a wild road trip. That’s right on the money as far as I’m concerned. And artist Kev Harper is definitely someone to watch.
Click to continue reading British Comics: Scheme Comix #1
Comic Book Jobs: Interns Wanted

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Television,
Everyone's gearing up for Intern Season again and here are some of what's available in the world of comics and related fields.
A "TV/Film Production Company and Comic Publisher in Brentwood" (that's Los Angeles for you non-natives) wants a Winter Intern. This company "focuses on comic book-based film and television in both live action and animation. Some prior experience in entertainment preferred for this unpaid position.
Riot Games, creators of League of Legends, wants a Creative Design Intern for their Los Angeles office. Lots of qualifications and job duties, so you'll be putting in the time and effort. Compensation goes one of two ways: college credit, or some kind of payment commensurate with your experience.
Disney Publishing is looking for a Creative Development Intern to work on Disney's Family Fun magazine. It's a magazine for parents with kids aged 3-12. Remember it's Disney so "positive attitude is a must!"
Good luck, job seekers!
[Artwork: The Adventures of Unemployed Man from Little, Brown & Company]
Top Ten Things I’m Thankful For This Year

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, DC Comics,
Thanksgiving is that wonderful time of year where we celebrates parades, football, days off from school and work, and something else I've entirely forgotten about. Here are some things I'm giving thanks for in 2010.
Naturally, your list may vary, and be a lot less selfish than my own.
10. My TSA date, Officer Pat Downe, had soft hands.
9. The iPad. Is it wrong to want 2 of them?
8. Library Book Sales: I scored a Pogo book, Quincy’s World by Ted Shearer and Don Martin Grinds Ahead! All for less than a buck total.
7. The debut of Oh, Brother! by Bob Weber, Jr. and Jay Stephens. Funny, funny strip.
6. Five Guys Burgers & Fries: If you’re going to eat, Five it up.
Click to continue reading Top Ten Things I’m Thankful For This Year
Comic Book Jobs: ILM, Lucasfilm And USC

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Television,
There are a bunch of interesting, and decidedly off-the-beaten-path jobs out there and some of them have only a tenuous connection to comics, but I like them nonetheless. Let’s take a look:
Industrial Light and Magic is looking to fill several positions, and while they’re not technically comic book jobs, they are for artists in the following areas: Animation (Character), Animation (Cloth), Animation (Facial), Animation (FX), Animation (Hair/Fur/Skin), Animation (Traditional), Compositing / Lighting / Image Processing, Lighting, Matchmoving and Rotoscoping. I think they’re too spiffy not to pass along.
USC is looking for an animation director or artist for the role of University Professor for their John C Hench Division of Animation and Digital Arts. USC, by the way, is the University of Southern California, where it's nice and warm and sunny.
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: ILM, Lucasfilm And USC
Do More With Less: We’re giving away an HTC HD7 Windows Phone 7 smartphone!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones, Features, Handhelds, Microsoft,
We're giving away an HTC HD7 Windows Phone 7 device to one of you guys here in our "Doing More with Less" giveaway! Not too familiar with WP7? Be sure to check out our Windows Phone 7 review, and read on for the details on how to enter.
Over the past three years, we've seen smartphones shrink in size while gaining a ton of functionality. In fact, it's hard to imagine ever using the bulky QWERTY sliders that were just about as thick as the original Game Boy. With the iPhone, Android devices, thinner BlackBerrys, and now WIndows Phone 7 devices jumping into the fray, we've truly got a situation where we are able to do way more than we'd ever dreamed we could do with a mobile phone, in a device that is so small that it comfortably fits in our pocket while the manufacturers tout how thin they are. Speaking of doing more with less, did you know that the smartphone in your pocket has more technology in it than the first rocket that went to outer space?
Now we want to hear from you--hit the comments and give us some examples where you can do more with less. It can be technology-related, or not. We will be picking a random winner based on the comments received. Here are the official rules:
- How to enter: Just leave a comment on this article, focusing on "Doing More with Less". You can leave one comment per day until the giveaway’s close. Each comment must be substantially different than the previous.
- Timeframe: The contest ends on November 29th, 2010. At this time comments will be closed on this post and a winner chosen with
- Eligibility: The contest is open to US residents only who are at least 18 years old at the time of entry.
- Prize: The one winner will receive the HTC HD7, a T-Mobile Windows Phone 7 device that's an approximate retail value of $500.
This giveaway is brought to you by the new Windows Phone 7. Learn more about Windows Phone online and see it in person at local T-Mobile stores today.
Comic Book Jobs: Marvel Studios Interns

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Marvel Comics,
Marvel Studios, the movie-and-TV division of the vast Marvel Comics empire, is on the prowl for a new season’s worth of interns.
These are part-time, unpaid positions, 20-30 hours per week and involve things like script coverage, internet and comic book research, “typical office duties,” and quick errands (I’m guessing coffee, dry cleaning and picking up comics at the LCS on Wednesdays).
But since this is part of Marvel, you’ll be reading early scripts for Marvel’s upcoming movies and shows, reading comic books and surfing the interwebs. How bad can any of that be?
Marvel Studios is responsible for for the Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four movies, as well as the upcoming Avengers and Thor so there's really no cooler place to want to work right now. Departments looking for interns include: Film Development, Marketing, Legal, Animation and Interactive.
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: Marvel Studios Interns
Do you want to work where it rains a lot? That would be Milwaukie, Oregon in the Pacific Northwest, home to Dark Horse Comics, publishers of various Star Wars and Hellboy titles, and hundreds of others. (I recommend John Jackson Miller’s Star Wars: Knight Errant, issue #2 is on sale now.)
They’re looking for a couple of people, and one or both of them could be you.
First up is a Marketing Coordinator for their Digital Store. You’ll be managing their promo work for their digital comics, y’know, the future, and working closely with Marketing and Sales to make it all happen.
This includes writing copy, managing promotions and discounts, and developing the all-important blogging and social networking posts that make everyone seem like one big happy family. (Hint: Look at how Chris Ryall at IDW does it.)
You gotta be familiar will all the usual buzzwords like Google Analytics, SEO, A/B Testing, and so on. But it’s a job with a future.
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: Dark Horse
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