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In the late 1980s and early 1990s, I worked a lot with Bill Blackbeard and his San Francisco Academy of Comic Art. We never met -- it was all phone and mail.
You can find him credited in a couple dozen comics and collections that I put together on behalf of Malibu Comics. Everything from squarebound collections of Spicy Mystery Tales and Spicy Detective Stories to comic book reprints of The Shadow and Sherlock Holmes newspaper strips.
Without his guidance, his help and access to his massive collection of organized material, those books wouldn't have existed, and I wouldn't have learned as much as I did.
Click to continue reading Bill Blackbeard: Eisner Hall of Fame
Comic Books Jobs: CBS Interns! MTV! Video Games!

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Television,
Hey, you wanna go to Comic Con International on CBS’s dime? Of course you do. Showtime Networks, a division of CBS based in New York, has an intern program that’s running from June 6-July 29.
You’ll be working in the “Program Marketing and Advertising” group and one of your main functions will be “daily tasks and organization leading up to Comic Con, assisting with the advertising tactics in print, tv, online and outdoor and components of the marketing plan.” I'm only assuming that they'll take you to the Con to see your hard work payoff, so you might want to get that included if you get the gig.
Click to continue reading Comic Books Jobs: CBS Interns! MTV! Video Games!
Comic Book Jobs: Marvel Comics

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Marvel Comics,
Y’know, it’s always hard to get a job writing and drawing for Marvel Comics. But coming in April, Marvel is making it a little easier to get their attention at the Kapow Comic Con.
According to Down The Tubes, the Cartoon Museum will be “hosting portfolio review sessions with Marvel Comics talent scout CB Cebulski.” David Lloyd (V For Vendetta) will be there, too.
It’s a nice opportunity to get your work in front of a good guy who can help, if only by giving you some honest pointers about your art.
The downside? It’s all taking place in England.
Good luck, job seekers!
[Artwork: Captain Britain, © Marvel Comics]
Toxic, one of the wacky British comics magazines (that competes with Dandy and The Beano) is looking for an "Experienced sub-editor/writer."
What's a sub-editor, you may ask? Well, in the US, it means copy editor, but here it means you'd be the acting assistant editor.
Toxic is published by Egmont, the huge Scandanavian publishing conglom. The mag is for boys aged 7-12, and in addition to articles and such on sports and movies and pop culture, they also feature jokes, comics and competitions. As they say, "anything and everything that’s in a boys life. Especially if it makes him laugh."
Egmont UK is seeking a "creative and experienced person with a proven track record in sub-editing & writing & general." Experience in digital and online "would be an advantage," but above all they want someone "enthusiastic about children’s publishing!"
If you're interested, then you'd better hurry. The listing closes on March 25.
Good luck, job seekers!
[Artwork: Toxic, © Egmont]
Read More | Egmont
Weekend Reading: Borders, Bruce Jones, Dick Tracy And Alan Moore

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Interviews, Movies, Reviews, Television, DC Comics, Marvel Comics,
Can you believe another weekend is already here? I can't, so I'd better post a few links and then hit the liquor store!
Let's see what's out there on the interwebs for those of us not already enjoying C2E2:
Borders: The bookstore chain just didn’t drop into bankruptcy overnight. Here’s a list of a half-dozen balls they dropped that you’d think they wouldn’t have.
[Link: Making Light]
Bruce: Comic book writer (remember his run on Hulk?) and novelist Bruce Jones ponders the future of fiction.
Return: John Zipperer at Weimar World Service reports that editorial cartoonist Lyle Lahey is back from his sabbatical, and in top form as he makes fun of Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin.
Dick: For those of you who don’t already know, there’s a new creative team on the venerable comic strip, Dick Tracy. It’s writer Mike Curtis and artist Joe Staton, and the whole thing is 3 daily panels of awesome. Hogan’s Alley interviews Staton about his new job.
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Borders, Bruce Jones, Dick Tracy And Alan Moore
Comic Book Jobs: Checking Out Craigslist

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Independent,
It's time to visit my favorite place that isn't in front of the TV: Craigslist. Let's see who's hiring:
Heroic Publishing in Long Beach, California is looking for an assistant for a couple of days each week.
A female model is needed for a superhero photo shoot "for a comic book project for class."
A live-action comic book movie needs an actor to play the villain. "Any stage fighting, martial arts, and certainly any acting background is preferential but not absolutely necessary."
1821 Comics in Los Angeles is on the hunt for interns. They're doing the Romeo And Juliet: The War graphic novel with Stan Lee.
A "Comic Book Group" based in New York is looking for the full run of comic book freelancers: pencillers, inkers, colorists, letterers.
Good luck, job seekers!
[Artwork: Abiding Perdition from 1821 Studios]
Heads up, Los Angeles!
The publishers of Shrapnel and Lords Of Misrule and Hercules, Radical Studios, is looking for a Director of Retail Marketing to “manage, build and grow our retail merchandising business.”
You’ll report directly to the Chief Marketing Officer and “will be a key contributor on the Radical Studios marketing and sales team.”
Lots of fun stuff involved in that position: retail marketing strategies, point-of-purchase displays, social media and email programs with retailers. Plus trying to keep editorial, creative and sales people from getting up in everyone’s grill.
You’ll need an understanding of the mass market retail biz (both the big box and bookstore models), as well as knowledge of the direct market.
Radical has a nice spread at Comic Con International at San Diego so you’ll most likely join in the fun at your boss’ expense.
That way, if you land this job, you can buy me a drink.
[Artwork: Shrapnel, from Radical Publishing]
Read More | Craigslist
Comic book jobs pop up in the weirdest places and encompass a wide variety of employment opportunities, at least as I define the term.
See what you think!
Hey girls! Do you want to join the B.I.M.B.O. Squad and “fight for justice against real super-villains with super powers”? There’s a casting call for actresses in British Columbia to try out for a new web series that will also involve slapstick and free lingerie.
In Los Angeles, a manga publisher is looking for a graphic designer for their covers.
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: Graphic Designers & Actresses
The images and news reports coming out of Japan are absolutely heartbreaking.
If you’re an artist and would like to do something to help out, Wednesday’s Heroes has a way to contribute.
Craig at the site has started an art auction and he’s looking for donations from folks who want to participate. Details at the link. The Fraim Brothers, Mitch Byrd, Gene Colan, and Robert Pope already have stuff up with more to come.
Tom Spurgeon at The Comics Reporter has a number of related links to other ways you can help, along with announcements related to those affected by the crisis.
Robot 6 also has a nice round-up of helpful links.
Japan was a big help to the US following Hurricane Katrina and the US comics industry is very closely aligned with the Japanese manga industry, so if you can please lend a hand.
[Artwork: News photo of Sendai]
They had me at Astro Boy and karaoke...
The Crow Collection of Asian Art is hosting an event that's part of the Crow Collection After Dark. It's called Manga Madness (March 18, 6pm - midnight).
Attendees can "dress as your favorite anime character and enjoy a manga movie marathon featuring Osamu Tezuka’s Astro Boy, comic book artist demos, and karaoke."
Their looking for volunteer greeters, and aside from the coolness factor, you'll get to see the movies too.
Good luck, volunteers!
[Artwork: Astro Boy]
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