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In celebration of John Layman and Rob Guillory’s kick-ass comic Chew completing its “Taster’s Choice” arc with Chew #5 today, Image Comics posted the cover of Chew #8 on their Twitter.
Protagonist Tony Chu looks pretty darn angry. Then again, I probably would be too if I was looking for a missing
King of Cocks. While I’m quite confused about where this story is going to head, I know that from the last five issues of this series, I will not be one bit disappointed.
So go out and buy Chew #5 already (and good luck finding previous issues)!
(FYI - You can also follow Comix411 on Twitter.)
Read More | Image Comics Twitter
Joss Whedon Web Comic Gets One-Shot

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Reviews, Dark Horse Comics,
Originally published on the MySpace for Dark Horse Presents and later printed in MySpace Dark Horse Presents Vol. 1, Joss Whedon‘s Sugarshock is getting its one-shot, which hits comic book stores today.
With a team like Joss Whedon (even if he does only read one comic) and Fabio Moon, it’s no wonder that the comic received the Eisner Award for Best Web Comic.
For $3.50, not only will you get the complete comic but an additional 14 pages of Moon’s process, with exclusive character designs, page layouts, and promos. What a deal, eh?
The story follows a very unlikely-matched rock band (i.e. the vocalist loathes Vikings, their bass player is a robot) set to participate in an intergalactic battle of the bands—an epic one, at that. Complete with Whedon quirks and quips as well as Moon’s playfully-appropriate artwork, Sugarshock is a must have—get it at your comic book store today!
Read More | Dark Horse via Fabio Moon's Blog
Noted sci-fi author John Scalzi (The Android’s Dream; Agent To The Stars) doubles as Creative Consultant for the new Stargate: Universe TV series (which you can check out on Hulu if you’ve missed some eps). More importantly, he also writes a regular column for the AMC website (that’s American Movie Classics; not the defunct auto-maker responsible for the Gremlin). Last week, he held a sci-fi writing contest for his audience—you could pick one of 10 different scenarios he suggested and write a short post relating to your choice.
You could choose from movie pitches, disciplinary reports, speeches, monologues, movie scenes, and lots more involving sci-fi icons like Will Smith, E.T., Jar-Jar Binks, Uwe Boll and many others. I chose: “Write a brief monologue from the point of view of the creature who burst out of the chest of John Hurt in Alien.”
And here’s what I posted:
Click to continue reading Ridley Scott’s Alien Speaks
Read More | AMC via Whatever (Scalzi's Blog)
Show us your Pwned Face and win a Limited Edition Xbox 360 Modern Warfare 2 console!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Smartphones, Video Games,
We love the holidays. Why? Because it puts us in a giving mood, and we know how much you guys like receiving from us. That’s why we’ve teamed up with our friends at shoot it! to bring you this awesome promotion. If you’re a gamer, you probably know that Microsoft is set to release a limited edition Modern Warfare 2 Xbox 360 console. It hits stores on November 10th, and we’ve pre-ordered one that we’re giving away to one of you. In case you’re unfamiliar with the console, here’s what’s in the box:
- Limited edition Xbox 360 Console with exclusive design
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Standard Edition.
- 250GB HD
- 2 black wireless controllers
- 1 black Xbox 360 wired headset
- 1 Ethernet cable
- 1 Standard Xbox 360 Composite A/V cable
Yeah, did you see that? A 250GB hard drive. That is more than twice the size of any other Xbox 360 hard drive that you’ll find. This is a serious piece of kit! So, how do you win? Simple. We want to see your “pwned face.” This is where shoot it! comes in. We want you to take a pictures of the face you make when you just pwned a n00b straight out of existence - but we also wanna see the sad pwned face you make when you get straight-up schooled by an 6-year old Halo prodigy. Entertain us, make us laugh, and strike fear into our hearts. We’ve got a few ways that you can enter the contest:
- If you don’t have the shoot it! app: You can register for the shoot it! app and they’ll email you a link to download the app for either your BlackBerry 8900, Bold, Tour, or iPhone. They’ll also add 3 FREE postcard credits to your account. All you need to do is snap your photos and send them off using shoot it! to the Gear Live mailing address listed below.
- If you already have the shoot it! app on your phone: Enter the promo code “gearlive” to receive the 3 FREE postcard credits. All you need to do is snap your photos and send them off using shoot it! to the Gear Live mailing address listed below.
- If you don’t have any of the shoot it! compatible phones: Take a photos of your pwned face, send them to the Gear Live mailing address listed below.
- On Twitter, send the following message:
“Hey @gearlive - I’m sending you my #pwnedface with @shootitmobile. That Xbox 360 is mine!”
(Click here to tweet this now)
You should be following the Gear Live Twitter account. Be sure you put your email address and Twitter handle that you used to enter in the message area so that when we get your shoot it! postcard, we can contact you if you win! We will be picking a winner on Monday, November 30th. You can enter as many times as you like, so if you wanna send us fifty different shoot it! images, go for it. The more, the merrier. Here’s the address:
Gear Live
PMB 443
914 164th St SE Ste B12
Mill Creek, WA 98012
Of course, there are always rules to keep things legal. In this case, you’ve gotta be 16 years old or older as of November 1, 2009 to qualify, and you’ve gotta be a US resident. Good luck to all!
Read More | Gear Live shoot it! Xbox 360 giveaway
Starr The Slayer #1: Daniel Way & Richard Corben

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Reviews, Marvel Comics,
As I’ve said in the past, I’ll buy pretty much any comic book that lurks on the outer edges of DC and Marvel. That’s where the off-the-wall, non-continuity stuff can be found, and there are some real gems that feel like someone’s sliding them under my door and running off. Starr The Slayer is one of the latest, written by Daniel Way (Deadpool) and illustrated by the most-excellent Richard Corben (Den; Hellboy; Cage).
In the first issue of this four-part mini-series, pulpy genre writer Len Carson enjoys wild success with a series of Conan-like books called Starr The Slayer. So successful that he’s soon churning out books like crazy and driving fast cars packed with top-heavy women. Y’know, just like real life. He soon tires of success because “the lit scene calls to me.” Twenty years after he’s abandoned his barbarian creation and failed to crack the world of tweed jackets, college professors and Borkum Riff, he’s ready to tackle his greatest creation one last time.
In a parallel story, Starr, a barbarian with a hot temper, journeys from his village to “civilization” with his family. They promptly hit a wall of trouble, his family is killed and Starr is forced to fight in an arena, where he brutalizes a local named Trull so badly that the disfigured guy runs away to concentrate on the black arts—and making these two parallel stories collide.
Click to continue reading Starr The Slayer #1: Daniel Way & Richard Corben
Joss Whedon Only Has Eyes For The Walking Dead

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Interviews, Dark Horse Comics, Image Comics,

The lovable and very talented comic book geek-turned-television genius known as Joss Whedon has his hands so full with his latest show Dollhouse that he has only enough time to read one comic book series: The Walking Dead.
“That is the only comic I still read—literally. [I] paced myself because it was deep into the trades by then and I only let myself buy one trade a week, for a few weeks before I broke down because it was my favorite soap opera.”
Then again, who can resist a never-ending zombie apocalyptic story? I sure can’t.
So what does the series writer, Robert Kirkman have to say about having Whedon as a fan?
Click to continue reading Joss Whedon Only Has Eyes For The Walking Dead
Read More | Geek Chic Daily
Forgotten Comics: Howard Chaykin’s Cody Starbuck

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Reviews, Independent,
Mike Friedrich was one of the talents of the 1970s and 1980s who changed the comic book business for the better. Dean Mullaney, Phil Seuling, Bud Plant and several others belong on that list as well as several people I’m forgetting. Mike started out as a comic book fan, became a freelance writer for DC and Marvel, transitioned to publishing with his own company (Star*Reach) and later became an agent, turning Star*Reach into an agency representing artists and writers. As a freelancer, he knew well the contracts (and contractual problems) at the major companies. As a publisher he provided an alternative venue for creators to pursue projects DC and Marvel either didn’t want or wouldn’t let the creators own. That may not sound like a big deal, but back in the day if you wanted to tell stories outside of the standard Marvel-DC superhero template, or found yourself on the outs with those two companies, you had almost no alternatives until Star*Reach and Eclipse came along.
When Friedrich became an agent he was able to turn his experience loose on behalf of other creators to negotiate better deals. I’ve read comics Mike wrote, I’ve read comics that he published, and a couple of times I’ve been across the virtual negotiating table from him. [I won’t name names, but at the initial Ultraverse Founders conference in Scottsdale AZ, he quite rightly had his client wait in the hall while he finished negotiating via phone his client’s UV contract. My job at the time was to nod sycophantically and supervise the snack trays for the conference; Dave Olbrich did the actual nuts and bolts negotiating.]
Click to continue reading Forgotten Comics: Howard Chaykin’s Cody Starbuck
DC Comics Review: Blackest Night: Batman #3

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, DC Comics,
Rating: *** 1/2*
The Blackest Night: Batman mini-series ends here and it’s very good. The dead have been rising thoughout the DC Universe and in this series we saw the parents of Dick Grayson and Tim Drake rise to face off against their sons. In our last issue we saw Batman, Robin, Red Robin, and Deadman rescue Jim and Barbabra Gordon from the threat of the Black Lanterns at Gotham Central. The Black Lantern Graysons and Drakes strike and we begin our story with that showdown.
Batman and Red Robin decide to face off against their parents themselves and tell Robin to get the Gordons to safety. Robin begrudgingly agrees and it is here that writer Peter Tomasi finally writes the character of Damian Wayne more along the lines of the way he’s supposed to be portrayed. Deadman decides the boys need more help and heads off to recruit Jason Blood aka Etrigan. Blood is unwilling to assist, but Deadman jumps into his body and possess him in order to bring out the demon Etrigan.
Click to continue reading DC Comics Review: Blackest Night: Batman #3
Rating: *** 1/2*
A great issue by Judd Winick to close out his run on Batman. One of the problems I had with Judd’s first run on Batman was the inconsistency. He would write a very good issue of Batman and then a very bad one. In this short run, he started off with a great issue; followed by some mediocre ones and then this great issue.
We pick up where we left off with Dick Grayson as Batman returning to the Batcave after the alarms went off. He finds out that the intruder is none other than Two-Face himself and he’s now at his mercy. Two-Face has pumped Batman with some drugs and he’s hallucinating. He sees Two-Face in some weird Batman-like costume, but it turns out to be all in his head.
Click to continue reading DC Comics Review: Batman #691
Weekend Reading: Iron Man, Geek Chic, Chip and Dale and I Love Lucey

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, DC Comics, Marvel Comics,
Lots of good stuff going on as we slide into the weekend. We’ve got Iron Man, Archie Comics, Douglas Adams’ Monty Python connection, Chip and Dale and tons more.
Let’s start with my pal Bob Greenberger, the noted comic book writer, novelist, tie-in writer, and a guy who actually knows how to make a physical comic book/graphic novel (all that production/printing/binding/press run/distribution stuff). He has a new book out. Iron Man: Femme Fatales has just been published by Del Rey and it should keep fans happy post-Iron Man I movie and pre-Iron Man II movie. Bob happily blogs about it at his website where he reposts this nice review. I haven’t read the book yet, but I snapped up a copy off the rack at Wal-Mart to feed a little royalty money Bob’s way. I also reshelved the remaining copies to give Bob a better display. That’s how I roll, people.
Harry Lucey: The animator John Kricfalusi has a nice gallery of great Lucey covers from assorted Archie titles at his blog. The covers are absolutely stunning in their simplicity. There’s a “Get Off My Lawn!” part of my brain that wishes the books still looked like this.
Geek Chic Daily: Nikki Finke has a few details about the Hollywood playas lining up behind Gareb Shamus’ new online presence.
George Tuska: Marvel and DC artist George Tuska, so prominent in the comics of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s has passed away at 93. Mark Evanier has a nice look at Tuska’s career. Here’s a real nice original art page by Tuska—no superheroes, just guns, gangsters, street scenes and a hot girl in a bikini. He was from the generation of comic artists who all knew how to draw people, horses, cars, the folds of clothing, and characters in hats who could still make a guy in an iron suit seem believable.
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Iron Man, Geek Chic, Chip and Dale and I Love Lucey
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