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Comic Book Jobs: Who’s Hiring? Marvel Comics!

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Marvel Comics,
With DC’s rumored-to-be impending move to the West Coast, they certainly aren’t in a hiring phase (they’ll be in a shedding phase). But the sole remaining big-time comic book company in New York still looks for people to join the Marvel Employment Universe.
First up, mighty Marvel is looking for a Royalty Analyst for their Finance and Licensing Department in New York. It’s a data-entry gig where you get to “collect and analyze detailed royalty reporting and forecasts.” You’ll also be checking over contracts and how they impact royalty reporting, and working with “worldwide licensee accounting maintenance.”
This is a great entry-level opp for someone just out of college in the past couple of years. And if you “possess a keen willingness to learn, analyze and desire to enhance the licensing business team of Marvel” you could find a new post-college home.
On the opposite coast, Marvel Studios is looking for a System Administrator in their Manhattan Beach offices.
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Comic Con International 2010: Rob Hanes Adventures

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Reviews, Independent,
I know I’m not supposed to find comics at San Diego – it’s all movies and TV and video games and Twilight fans and cosplayers and it’s all pre-packaged for easy enjoyment. And it’s pushed comics out of the hall. Except that it really hasn’t, and I can find comic books easier than I can get a seat to see Harrison Ford.
Some of you might remember that one of the comics I was looking forward to getting this year was Randy Reynaldo’s first color issue of Rob Hanes. And that’s exactly what I did on my first day. With Dave Olbrich on hand to help me we wound our way back to the relatively large small press area where I found Randy’s booth. A few bucks later, a few minutes chatting with Randy (whom I’ve known for years) and a copy was all mine.
Randy’s one of the earliest of the self-publishers that popped up in the 1990s and his WCG Comics is still at it, publishing Rob Hanes Adventures, a comic that Randy writes and draws. It’s a thing of beauty: a full on modern day adventure comic.
Rob Hanes Adventures Special Edition #1 is the new thing Randy created for the conventions: the first ever full-color Rob Hanes comic. It’s technically a reprint from Adventure Strip Digest #2 – “The EC Express” - that’s been colored and re-lettered by Barry Gregory.
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Comic Con International 2010: I Was There

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Image Comics, Independent,
So it’s over and it’s been over for a while and everyone and his overweight uncle with the tattered, too-small X-Men t-shirt has written about it to death.
And now it’s my turn.
Loved it. Had a great time. Saw a lot of old friends. Made a few new ones. Found a place that makes great nachos.
Yes, the emphasis on back issues has diminished and there’s a decreased emphasis on the newer stuff and Bud Plant’s booth is smaller, but none of that diminished my overall positive experience.
I picked up a couple of hard numbers while shopping. I finally snagged a softcover copy of the first The Walking Dead collection at the Image booth and it turned out to be the last one in stock for the con. I asked the guy at the booth about it and he said that they’d sold over 300 hardcovers of the first collection and sold out of all 700 copies of the softcover version since Preview Night. This was by Friday afternoon, with 2 1/2 more days to go. That’s what happens when good comic meets impending TV show.
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Weekend Reading: Comic Con International, Gene Colan and The Inferior Five

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Movies, Television, DC Comics,
Apparently, there’s some kind of comic book thing going on in San Diego. I hope enough people show up and it catches on. I never get tired of hearing jokes like that!
The talk of the convention – or I should say one of the talks of the convention – is that DC is getting ready to make the move to the West Coast where its big daddy Warner Bros. is located. It makes a lot of sense, from a dollars-and-cents pov. You can get a lot done faster if your comic book resources are right next door to your movie resources and you don’t have to fly everyone out for meetings or Skype 10 times a day. More importantly, if DC’s on the Warner lot or in a building that Warner is already paying for, they could eliminate the overhead on their NY offices (which could be a huge annual chunk of bucks). And since corporations routinely operate this way, it’d be a sneaky way to have mass layoffs of the people who can’t or won’t go and get rid of any entrenched deadwood that’d be too hard to dismiss without cause.
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Comic Con International, Gene Colan and The Inferior Five
Comic Book Jobs: Who’s Hiring? Montreal ComicCon

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Movies,
Are you hot? Are you in “great shape” and will you look “good in a catsuit?” Oh, and are you a woman? If you answered “yes” to those three Q’s, the Montreal Comiccon 2010, “a trade show dedicated to comic books, manga, sci-fi and horror,” is looking for 5 models just like you.
They’re assembling an “Action Team” of charming female superheroes, “dressed in Lara Croft-inspired costumes (black catsuits, utility belts and weapons!)”
If you fit the costume and the costume fits you, you’ll be working on both Saturday and Sunday, September 11-12, 2010. Your job will be to “walk around the trade show, interact with guests, create ambiance and pose for pictures.”
The Action Team will also act as leggy information booths, carrying “maps and programs of the trade show” and be ready to “answer random questions from visitors,” a lot of which will be: “Are you single?”, “Is your name really Lara?”, “How’d you like to raid my tomb (snicker, snort)?”
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Comic Book Jobs: Checking Out Craigslist

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials,
I find Craigslist very entertaining and amusing. I love what people post over there, especially in the jobs section. A lot of people seem to want others to do their work for them for very little money. Shocking!
But still, there are occasional jobs that are comic book-related, and only a few of them want to see your naked bits, so let’s take a look:
Super Earth: A self-proclaimed yet unnamed “renewable energy company” is looking for a petite actor will to dress up as Super Earth to perform at various street festivals and functions around New York City.
Partial Nudity: I’m sure this opportunity has passed since Comic Con is mere hours away by now, but it was a chance to appear naked in a Dark Knight Returns fan film. You’d have to be under 5’4”, blond and be willing to show off some of your Robin-like skin.
Female Models: Another unnamed company is interested in some comic book-style models for a coffee table art book to debut at San Diego’s Comic Con International in 2011. Naturally, they want some partial nudity too, but they’re willing to pay for a peek at your parts.
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Comic Con International: Rob Hanes & Randy Reynaldo

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Independent,
So I’m surfing through the postings online about the San Diego con as I’m packing to get ready and I discover some great news courtesy of Heidi at Comics Beat.
Creator/writer/artist Randy Reynaldo is releasing the first full color Rob Hanes comic called Rob Hanes Adventures Special Edition #1 in time for purchase at the con. While he’s there, he’ll also be promoting the upcoming September collection, “The first volume of a projected series of trade paperbacks collecting the entire Rob Hanes Adventures series,” according to his press release.
This is great news for fans of the strip (one of them is me, in case you haven’t guessed) – and if you can’t make it to the con to pick up the color special, you can order it from Randy’s website, along with a ton of other cool stuff. If you’ve never seen a Rob Hanes adventure, you’re in for a treat. Randy is an adventure cartoonist in the very best sense, working in a style that recalls Terry And The Pirates and, especially, Roy Crane’s work on Captain Easy (plus a nod or three to Jonny Quest).
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Read More | Thrilling Detective
Comic Con International 2010: I’ll Be There

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Independent, Marvel Comics,
So once again, I’m going to the San Diego con. I mean, Comic Con International in San Diego.
Oh, I know what you’re thinking – the noise, the crowds, and oh all that non-comic book stuff. The cosplayers, the Twi-hards, the (gasp) movie and TV people. Well, I don’t care – I welcome them all. And if the hardcore funnybook fans need to bitch and moan that the con “isn’t about comics anymore,” well that just sounds like the nerd equivalent of “get off my lawn.”
Here’s a link to the con website that has all the programming events for each day. I took that list and sorted it by just comics-related programming and here’s the result. Honestly, there are so many that you’ll be the star of your own private Walking Dead mini-series before Friday’s over.
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I’ve always wanted to live and work in London, but I’m stuck stateside for the time being. You might not be, and if that’s the case, Egmont UK could have a job with your name on it. It’s not a comics-specific job, but Egmont UK is part of the giant Egmont empire and they do publish a lot of comic book material – like the Disney comics that Boom! Kids is currently publishing - so this could be an in for you and a chance to burrow into the organization.
So if you “know your Bieber from your Beaker and your Selena from your SpongeBob” and “have a passion for children’s publishing and enjoy communicating with kids,” then Egmont’s Go Girl magazine is looking for you. They need a Writer/Sub-Editor to join their team and be a, wait for it, team player.
You’ll need at least a year’s experience in magazine publishing or a similar area, and writing for websites would give you a leg up on the competition. All applicants will need to take a written test, so you’ll need to study up.
The application is at the Egmont website. Hurry, though, because this offer closes on July 29th.
[Artwork: cover to a recent issue of Go Girl]
Comic Book Jobs: Who’s Hiring? Marvel Comics

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Marvel Comics,
Marvel Comics is back at it again, looking for new people in non-editorial functions for their New York office.
First up: Customer Service Coordinator, which sounds much better than “Email Secretary,” but not as good as, say, “Digital Communications Coordinator.”
Your job here is to handle incoming emails and either answer them or route them to the correct departments, retrieve and send forgotten passwords to hapless subscribers, handle opt out requests, and issue reports based on the emails that you handle. There are a lot of other little tech-based things you’ll be doing, but if you’ve had some decent online experience, it’s probably nothing you can’t handle, right? Also, it puts you inside the Marvel office, and who knows what that can lead to.
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