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Weekend Reading: Scott Pilgrim, Captain Action, Dick Tracy and Mel Gibson

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Movies,
Comic Con International is literally just around the corner and no one’s got time for long-winded intros. Let’s get right to it:
Scott Pilgrim: Adam Sternbergh writes about Michael Cera, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and ties it all in to his fancrush on Alpha Flight. Yes, you read that right. It all takes place in The Walrus, the Canadian magazine of, oh yeah, you read that right, too. Canada has a magazine.
Captain Action: He’s not a “doll,” he’s an “action figure,” and he’s back in action courtesy of Beau Smith and Eduardo Baretto in the upcoming Captain Action Winter Special from Moonstone. Beau talks about the issue with First Comics News.
Dick Tracy: The plainclothes detective’s self-titled comic strip may soon go the way of Little Orphan Annie, but at least there’s a website devoted to his work. And it’s packed with goodies for Tracy fans to enjoy, including some never-before-published material by Max Allan Collins and Joe Staton. Click fast because the site is referred to as a “limited time tribute website.”
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Olivia Munn Says Suck It, Wonder Woman

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Television,
Geek goddess and fanboy icon Olivia Munn is the host of G4’s Attack of the Show (for now it seems) and pops up now and again on Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show as their Senior Espionage Correspondent (among others).
Now she’s letting her geek flag fly ever more proudly with her new book, a memoir entitled and on sale now: “Suck It, Wonder Woman.”
With Wonder Woman now in the news with a new costume and a new direction, the timing could not be better for a book with that title. Also, too, Comic Con International is right around the corner so comics will once again be in the nightly news cycle (if only so TV networks can run pictures of guys dressed like Stormtroopers and Klingons).
And, she’ll probably be there as well on behalf of G4. (I wonder if she has trouble booking a room?) And she’ll probably interviewing those same cosplayers. But at least she’ll have the sense of where they’re coming from, unlike, say, the manscaped fratboys who cosplay as journalists on TV.
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Edward Norton Will Not Reprise His Role as the Hulk

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Movies, Marvel Comics,

Despite his hope to continue his superhero role, Edward Norton has been dropped from The Avengers.
A representative for Marvel Studios confirmed the actor won’t be reprising his role as Bruce Banner and his alter-ego the Incredible Hulk in the 2012 movie, claiming he can’t work as part of a team. President of production Kevin Feige told website
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Comic Book Jobs: Who’s Hiring? Marvel Comics!

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Marvel Comics,
Print is dead. And even if it’s not, it’s coughing up ink and it won’t return to the glory days of years gone by. You know the world is changing when even DC Comics is putting stuff on the iPad and iPhone. That’s like John McCain having a Twitter feed.
So I was encouraged when I came across these two job listings at Marvel Comics. Both are based in the digital world, which is where the print world is desperately trying to transition.
First up, Marvel is looking for a Senior Web And Mobile Application Developer. Marvel will be looking to you to enhance “its position in the web and mobile marketplace by extending already successful products and spearheading the development of new ones.”
Lots of technical responsibilities will be coming your way and, needless to say, some solid experience is required. But the whole enterprise sounds like a lot of fun and moving Marvel’s characters to a digital playground feels like building the future. Go forth, and let loose the resumes!
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Weekend Reading: Bob Bolling, Doc Savage and Wonder Woman

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Reviews, Image Comics, Independent,
There’s less than 2 weeks to go before fan-filled flights start landing in San Diego. There may not be enough time to pack, but there’s plenty of time to surf the internet.
Bob Bolling: I love Bolling almost as much as Jaime Weinman at Something Old, Nothing New. Weinman posts a Wanda Wunderbuss tale from a 1984 issue of Pep. Added bonus, a link to Jack Kirby’s Archie work.
Rafael De Soto: You know who drew great manly-man covers for magazines like Male, Action for Men, Sportsmen, True Action, Men’s Life, and For Men Only? This guy, and Magic Monkey Boy has a nice display.
Webcomics: Do you know who has some interesting news about Jhonen Vasquez (Invader Zim)? Fleen, that’s who!
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Gerry Conway co-created The Punisher, co-created Man-Thing, co-created Firestorm and wrote some of my favorite Marvel comics, including a long run on Amazing Spider-Man. When he successfully transitioned out of comics and moved into show business, I still followed his career as he worked his way up the ladder. He’s recently been writing and producing for the Dick Wolf Law & Order empire, specifically on Law & Order: Criminal Intent.
Talbot Mundy, author of King of the Khyber Rifles, influenced a who’s who of writers with his tales of manly adventure at the edges of the sun-never-setting British Empire in the early 20th century. Fans included Robert E. Howard, Leigh Brackett, Robert Heinlein and Fritz Leiber.
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If you’ve ever wanted to stroll through an author’s personal library, but they won’t let you into their house (and with good reason), Harlan Ellison’s wife Susan offers the next best thing: a book purge from his private collection.
There’s enough good stuff written about Mr. Ellison available on the internet that you don’t need me to cut and paste a bunch of it to reaffirm the award-winning author’s place in literature and pop culture. From books to movies to TV to comic books, he’s really done it all and won awards for lots of it. Mr. Ellison and I have had about a dozen fun and friendly encounters over the years and it was always a pleasure to hear his voice at the other end of the phone.
“What the hell are you doing now, Mason?” he’d call out teasingly and we’d take it from there. Very enjoyable conversations about the state of the world, the comic book industry, and even one about the history of, if I remember correctly, the Golden Age super-hero, Cat-Man.
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Second Chew Trade Lands on NYT Best Sellers List

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Conventions, Image Comics,
The congratulations keep coming for Chew writer John Layman and artist Rob Guillory!
Following in the footsteps of the Image comic’s first trade paperback, Taster’s Choice, the second volume, International Flavor landed on the New York Times Best Sellers List this week. Considering that the Scott Pilgrim movie buzz has sent fans flocking to comic book stores and blockading much of the list, this is quite an accomplishment.
The series follows Tony Chu, an FDA agent who receives psychic sensations from anything he consumes (coined a “cibopath”), on his adventures in a reality where eating chickens is illegal.
Layman and Guillory are scheduled to be at San Diego Comic Con, selling the hardcover Chew Omnivore Edition (set for wide release on August 11) as well as a special convention variant cover for Chew #12 (in stores next week, on July 14). Make sure you get there quick—I have a hard time believing that a cover titled “The Radioactive Mona Lisa Chicken Cover” will take long to sell out.
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Weekend Reading: Steve Ditko, Larry Doyle, Wonder Woman and Doc Savage

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials,
Hey America, happy birthday to you this weekend. If you find yourself too full of Pabst Blue Ribbon, overcooked hamburgers, runny macaroni salad and apple pie with too much HFCS in it, and it’s too early to start shooting off those fireworks you smuggled over from North Carolina, do what I do: surf the internet.
Oh, Brother: Bob Weber, Jr. (creator of Slylock Fox) and Jay Stephens (Tutenstein, Land of Nod), have joined forces and launched a brand new comic strip. Alan Gardner at The Daily Cartoonist has the announcement and some samples, and it all looks really, really good.
Wonder Woman: When Nikki Finke calls recent changes to one of your iconic characters “dumbass stuff,” shouldn’t it be rethought?
Twin Spica: Looking for some good manga to spend your hard-earned money on? Rod Lott at Bookgasm has a recommendation for you, Twin Spica Volume O2 by Kou Yaginuma.
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Feel like hoisting a glass for the good Doctor, the Tardis, K-9 and possibly Sarah Jane Smith? Well who doesn’t. Fortunately, Dez Skinn, the creator of Doctor Who Weekly back in the day, has gotten himself involved in the third annual Doctor Who Pubcon which’ll take place in Manchester, England at the Lass O’Gowrie pub.
You can hit the bar on Sunday, July 18th (so pre-arrange to take the 19th off from work, okay?). According to Dez, “our assembled guests will take us on a journey through their six favorite things about their time with Doctor Who - be it a person, a character, a scene - whatever they fancy really.”
Now aside from the drinking and the Doctor-themed party conversation, why should you go? Because it’ll be mc’d by John Cooper and the guests (subject to change) include some Doctor Who celebs like: Terrance Dicks, Andrew Cartmel, Graeme Harper, Dez Skinn, Rob Shearman, Sophie Aldred, Chris Achileos and Ade Salmon.
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