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Weekend Reading: Dwayne McDuffie, Bill Crouch and Wulf The Barbarian

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Interviews, Movies, Reviews, IDW Publishing,
So, so sorry to hear that Dwayne McDuffie passed away earlier this week. I hate it when a good guy and a terrific writer goes too soon - from his work at Milestone Media, to his animation writing on Ben 10 and other series, it felt like he had a lot more to say that I wanted to read and see.
Rich Johnston at Bleeding Cool had a nice reminiscence of his interactions with Dwayne.
And Heidi MacDonald at Comics Beat also weighed in with some very nice thoughts.
Tom Spurgeon at The Comics Reporter has a round-up of various links to posts about Dwayne. Condolences to his family and his many, many friends on their loss.
Also sad to hear that comics historian Bill Crouch has passed away.
CG: Animation historian Michael Barrier does not like computer animation a technique “creating mechanical, manipulative series of films that don't capture the magic of the yesteryear.”
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Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: London Calling
Comic book jobs come up in the oddest places, and now here’s one where a medical background could really help you out.
Medikidz is a “multimedia company founded by two doctors to explain medicine to young people in a way they can understand.”
How do they do this? Mostly through comic books with titles like What's Up With Rachel? Medikidz Explain Brain Tumours and What's Up With Tiffany's Dad? Medikidz Explain Melanoma.
Each of their diseased-based comics “is written by a specialist doctor in the field. It is then peer reviewed by a leading consultant, to ensure medical accuracy.
Now they need a Medical Writer on staff to help them out and make sure the doctor-writers are staying on message and delivering interesting comics.
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: Medical Writer
Yes, I'm cheating again, but only slightly as you'll see. South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone's genius TV show, needs a little bit of help. Perhaps yours?
They need an Animator, a Technical Artist, and my favorite (and why they are listed here), Storyboard Design Artist.
The storyboard gig is entry-level, but includes Background Design and (the cool part) Character Design.
You'll need experience with the various computer design programs like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
They'd like you to know that this is "not a compositing job" but you can expect an "intense, creative, and rewarding production schedule beginning in April."
You will have to be living in Los Angeles for the duration, but how bad is that, really?
Good luck, job seekers!
[Artwork: South Park]
BOOM! Goes Planet Of The Apes

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Independent,
“Someone must always publish Planet of the Apes comic books.”
The Lawgiver, citing Obscure Ape Law
Boom! Studios has become the latest publisher to acquire the Planet Of The Apes license allowing them to monkey around with new comic book adventures.
From Farscape to The Muppet Show, Boom! has proved over and over that they know how to make good licensed comics so I’m looking forward to whatever comes out. They’re tying the new title into the continuity of the five classic films, so for Ape-nuts like me, I couldn’t be happier.
The new series will be written by Daryl Gregory and illustrated by Carlos Magno.
In an long-ago world, I was the editor on Malibu Comics’ versions of Planet Of The Apes and it was a very fun time for me - I turned a number of talented creators loose on the books and for the couple of years we had the license, they did everything from a traditional in-continuity take to dressing up the Apes in leather and putting them on motorcycles. Good times.
Click to continue reading BOOM! Goes Planet Of The Apes
If there's one thing better than the great chocolate-peanut butter combo, it's museums and comics. If you know both, there's a place for you at Ohio State University.
The Ohio State University Libraries are looking for an Assistant Curator at their Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum. This is a position that's on the tenure track, so once in, you could be set until retirement.
How cool is that job? "The Cartoon Library & Museum's primary mission is to develop a comprehensive research collection of materials documenting American printed cartoon art (editorial cartoons, comic strips, comic books, graphic novels, sports cartoons, and magazine cartoons) and to provide access to these collections."
Pretty cool.
How big is their collection? "It is the largest and most comprehensive academic research facility of its kind in the United States. Current holdings include more than 450,000 original cartoons; 36,000 books; 51,000 serial titles; and 3,000 linear feet of manuscript materials.
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Comic Book Jobs: G4

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Reviews, Television, Video Games,
G4 is the nerd-media empire where Olivia Munn got her start on Attack Of The Show. (They're regular fixtures at Comic Con International in San Diego.)
Now G4 is looking for a Marketing Assistant.
It’s not a glamor position, so not a lot of opportunities to rock your bikini or Speedo on air.
Instead you’ll be setting up meetings, booking conference rooms, taking calls, filing and handling miscellaneous administrative tasks. There are lots of other similar responsibilities, but it all boils down to desk-and-computer work.
A college degree in communications is preferred, though related experience could replace it. And also “experience using the Internet, Outlook, Excel, Power Point, etc.” which would really be anyone under the age of 50 at this point, right?
But “excitement for videogame and tech and gadgets and comic books” would certainly count for a lot.
Good luck, job seekers!
[Artwork: Olivia Munn as Slave Leia]
Now that Borders has jumped headlong into bankruptcy, it's revealed that they're deep into Diamond Comic Distributors for $3.9 Million. They also owe Penguin Books $41 Million.
As part of the bankruptcy, Borders will be closing something like 200 of their stores.
I already get my books from Amazon, but with my local Borders closing, where the heck am I going to get my coffee?
[Artwork: Too Much Coffee Man © Shannon Wheeler]
Captain Action Winter Special

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Reviews, Dark Horse Comics, IDW Publishing, Independent,
Beau Smith and Eduardo Barreto make a great comic book team, a kind of one-two punch of writing and art. Of course, you already know this if you've put down some cash for Cobb: Off The Leash (IDW) or their recent graphic novel, Wynonna Earp: The Yeti Wars (also IDW).
They're back at it again with Moonstone Books' latest Captain Action title, Captain Action Winter Special. Beau and Eduardo have teamed up for a Captain Action Classified story called "White Lies."
Beau wrote it, and Eduardo illustrated and colored it. In this 13-page extravaganza, the Captain mixes it up with spies, commies, a Yeti (they make great villains, and Eduardo draws an impressively dangerous one), and a traitorous gal.
As always with Beau and Eduardo, the dialogue pops and the action never lets up. They make Captain Action a real man of action, a James Bondian character who rocks the blue jumpsuit and Captain's hat. There's another story in this issue, too, where Cap meets the Green Hornet (not Seth Rogen). But "come for the Beau/Eduardo, and stay for the GH."
Click to continue reading Captain Action Winter Special
Comic Book Jobs: Blizzard Entertainment

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Video Games,
Blizzard Entertainment, the World of Warcraft people, are looking for a Franchise Development Producer, “a highly organized individual with outstanding communications skills, proven experience in production, and a track record of shipping AAA products to help lead the efforts on its next-gen MMO.”
One word: Yeah!
You get to be “the key evangelist for producing products which expand the next-gen MMO brand outside of the gaming industry” and “the key liaison between the development team and other functional teams within Blizzard Entertainment to create brand-extending merchandise for the next-gen MMO franchise.”
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