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Tonight On Marvel Cops: Convention Crackdown!

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Marvel Comics,
Here come the...MARVEL COPS! Officers Joe Cease and Mickey Desist are ready for legal action in the first episode of Marvel Cops. Tonight, things are not what they seem at the comic book show in San Diego where a costume parade full of perps violates trademarks on center stage. Acting on a tip, the Marvel Cops and their attorney sidekicks then takedown Artists’ Alley where people make extra money sketching trademarked Marvel characters for “fans.” Afterwards, it’s on to the original art dealers for selling artwork depicting corporate-owned characters, but not before tasering several cosplayers for displaying unlicensed sewing. Then it's edge-of-your-seat excitement, true believer, when the Marvel Cops sit in on various convention panels where a host of gag orders prevents writers and artists from saying they created beloved corporate icons. But don't touch that remote! Stay tuned for a special second episode where the Marvel Cops seize the servers at Deviantart and start tracking user names!
Marvel Cops
FRI 8/7c
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[Image dinged from My Comic Shop and © Marvel Comics]
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I was very sad to hear that artist Adam Adamowicz has passed away.
He was a super-talented painter and conceptual artist and if you’re a fan of Skyrim and Fallout 3, you’ve seen his work.
I never met Adam but years ago, back in the early 1990s, I worked with him.
He was just starting out as a painter and I hired him to do a bunch of covers for various Malibu Comics imprints like Aircel and Adventure.
How did I find him? He found me, the old-fashioned, pre-internet way. He sent in some photos through the mail and I responded immediately.
I thought he was brilliant - he had a vivid, distinct style that I liked quite a bit. I gave him as much work as he wanted.
Click to continue reading RIP Adam Adamowicz
Read More | Adam's Blog
Ahhh. Summer camp. The fresh air. The great outdoors. The smell of... outdoor stuff.
If you like camp and comics and need a summer gig, Camp Sequoia in the Philadelphia area (Pottstown, 40 miles northwest of Philly) might answer your nature call.
They’re looking for counselors for the upcoming summer season, and in addition to skilled folks in the usual camp activities - Sports, Arts & Crafts, Martial Arts, Movie Making, Audio Production, Fishing, and Woodworking - they’re looking for a counselor who can teach Comic Book Design.
You’ll need the requisite experience, of course. Their staff of “younger teachers, undergraduate and graduate school students” all have experience instructing “in one of our activity areas and/or have experience working with kids.”
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: Summer Camp
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As you may have already heard, DC Comics is changing the name of Captain Marvel, a superhero who dates from the 1940s.
He’ll now be officially called by his magic word: Shazam! That’s the word that changes poor red-shirted newsboy Billy Batson into the fully-grown Captain Marvel.
That’s the equivalent of changing the name of Superman to “Up, Up And Away!” but DC says it has to be done. There’s confusion in the marketplace since Marvel Comics also has a Captain Marvel of their own.
Marvel’s Captain Marvel was created after DC Comics sued the original Captain Marvel’s publishers (Fawcett) and drove them out of business, leaving a Captain Marvel void in comics. Years later, DC acquired the rights to the Fawcett Captain Marvel, which they could publish, but only under the Shazam! name so as not to compete with Marvel’s trademark. Are you following all of this or do you need a moment?
Click to continue reading My Name Is…Shazam!
This made the rounds of Facebook all day the other day. It's a little snippet about Gary Friedrich, Ghost Rider and who created what.
I couldn't trace it back to the original poster, so I apologize for not giving him or her their deserved credit, especially in a post about credits!
One of the issues between Marvel Comics and Gary is the issue of Gary's credit as the sole creator of Ghost Rider.
While it may not be definitive, this is an excerpt from Marvel's own Bullpen Bulletins page in August 1972.
Marvel says of Ghost Rider: "...this GR is a mad, mod, mystic hero who straddles both the world of motorcycles - and the supernatural! (And that's some job of straddling!) It's by the titanic team of Groovy Gary Friedrich who dreamed the whole thing up, and Madcap Mike Ploog, whose own Werewolf by Night series is scheduled to gain its very own mag in a month or two!"
Daniel Best, who originally broke the story of Gary's fight with Marvel, has an update separating fact from rumor.
[Artwork: Bullpen Bulletins, © Marvel Comics]
Unless you’ve been living in a hole for the last several days, you’ve no doubt heard about Marvel Comics' demand against one of their former writers, Gary Friedrich.
Friedrich sued Marvel for compensation related to exploitation of a character he created, Ghost Rider. He lost the first round, and Marvel’s coming after him. Here’s a round-up of just a handful of links and commentary to get you better acquainted.
Daniel Best at 20th Century Danny Boy broke the story about Marvel’s pushback against Friedrich, with a post that includes documentation.
Here’s an update with a note from Friedrich.
Mark Evanier has a sane and rational view of the situation.
One of the greatly appealing things about webcomics is that the creators managed to hold onto their rights and are free to exploit their work according to their own path. Gary Tyrrell at Fleen has some thoughts on Friedrich’s situation.
Click to continue reading Marvel Comics And Gary Friedrich
Comic Book Jobs: Art Editor @ Medikidz

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Independent,
The medically-themed comic book company, Medikidz, is looking for an Art Editor.
But what’s Medikidz, you ask? It’s “a fast-expanding multimedia company set up to explain medicine to children in a way they can understand.”
That way, happens to be through comic books, and they’ve got an “endorsement from Archbishop Desmond Tutu, as well as leading health specialists” to prove it.
Medikidz “aims to address the current paucity of medical information available to children, by explaining disease pathophysiology and pharmacology in a fun, exciting and novel way.”
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: Art Editor @ Medikidz
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Weekend Reading: Gary Friedrich, Walking Dead, Ted McKeeer & Arcana

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Reviews, DC Comics, Image Comics, Marvel Comics,
What a weird, weird funnybook week. Let’s take a look:
Artist Tony Moore is suing writer Robert Kirkman over his portion of money from The Walking Dead.
Gary Friedrich is getting legally crapped on by Marvel Comics.
DC Comics is still legally battling over Superman.
Columbia Pictures drops The Boys from their film roster.
Vietnam is banning comic books.
And how was the rest of the week?
If you've ever thought about opening a used bookstore, here are 25 Things you might discover.
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Gary Friedrich, Walking Dead, Ted McKeeer & Arcana
Comic Book Jobs: Checking Out Craigslist

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, DC Comics, Independent,
As many of you already know, I love the Craigslist as the perfect opportunity to find the oddest of comic book jobs.
And here’s one now: in Philadelphia, the comic book publisher Zenescope is looking for an actress to portray Alice in Wonderland.
Manga translators are needed in San Francisco.
A “multimedia company” wants to share a booth with you at Comic Con International this year.
A “comic book style film” needs female actresses for $100 a day.
Remember Nick Cuti’s Moonchild character? Someone’s acquired the audio rights and is looking for a model who looks as much like her as humanly possible.
MackVision Entertainment needs an intern for their new Motion Comics series.
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: Checking Out Craigslist
Want to be an editor at DC Comics? Want to work in beautiful Burbank, California?
Then Time Warner, DC’s parent company, has a job for you.
DC’s looking for a Content Editor, someone who is a “creative, digitally savvy, and strategic-minded individual” to join their Interactive Marketing team.
The Content Editor “will be responsible for leading the day-to-day planning, development, and execution of DC Entertainment’s digital content strategy across all platforms (online, mobile, social media, etc).”
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: DC Comics
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