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The Flash movie: What I would like to see

Posted by David Torres Categories: Editorials, Movies, DC Comics,
A Flash film is scheduled to be released in 2010. According to IMDB, the director of “Shanghai Knights” and “Fred Claus” is set to direct. Exciting! Who knows, maybe he’ll do a good job. No actors are currently attached to the film.
Although casting is crucial, I’m more concerned right now about the script. The current writer attached to the film is Chris Brancato. His resume doesn’t make me jump for joy either.
Here is what I would like to see.
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Batman and Robin: Opposing Viewpoints (Part Two)

Posted by David Torres Categories: Movies, Reviews, DC Comics,
I’d like to thank Evan C. Price for contributing to Comix 411 with Part One of this “Batman and Robin” argument. It takes a real man to admit that on some level he liked “Batman and Robin”. I promised him that I wouldn’t bash him and call him an idiot for liking the film because we all have our likes and dislikes. I didn’t like the Lord of the Rings movies. I thought they were long and boring. I’m in the Kevin Smith camp on this one. (If you saw Clerks 2 you know what I’m talking about.)
Well, when I first saw “Batman and Robin,” I hated it. And after viewing it in its entirety after the first time since I saw it in the theaters, I still don’t like it. Just like other comic fans who have talked about the film over the years I agree that the film is campy, poorly acted, and poorly written. So I will start off with my short list (and it will be short) of the stuff that I did like about the film.
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Batman and Robin: Opposing Viewpoints (Part One)

Posted by David Torres Categories: Movies, Reviews, DC Comics,
My co-worker told me once that his brother liked “Batman and Robin”. I said to myself that in no way was that even possible. Well, he doesn’t like “Batman and Robin,” but he does like it a bit and feels some of the criticism about the film is too harsh. I decided that this would make for a good blog and I asked him to write a review of the film while I would write my own. Here is his review:
by Evan C. Price
Viewing Joel Schumacher’s Batman and Robin for the first time since its release in 1997, I am surprised at the contempt for this sequel among comic book fans, IMDB and Ain’t-It-Cool regulars, and the usual assortment of internet grumps and trolls.
“Bane was a complex villain and they ruined him.”
“The worst comic book film ever made.”
“It raped my childhood.”
And so on.
Click to continue reading Batman and Robin: Opposing Viewpoints (Part One)
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Why Is It So Darn Difficult to Make a Decent Punisher Movie?
Posted by Jonas Hinckley Categories: Editorials, Movies, Marvel Comics,
I know that in the general scheme of things, getting any kind of decent movie made is something of a miracle, but when you look at the succession of comic-book-related movies we’ve had in the last decade or so, it strikes me as rather ridiculous that this Friday we’re about to get the third Punisher movie made since 1989, and from everything I’ve seen, it looks to be just as painful as the first two.
A slight caveat here, of course, is that I haven’t seen Punisher:War Zone, so it could actually be good… but if it is, the studio and their marketing team sure are doing everything possible to hide that fact, including the horrible and extremely loud heavy metal soundtrack that hits you when you go to the official movie site—click the link at your peril.
Click to continue reading Why Is It So Darn Difficult to Make a Decent Punisher Movie?
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Captain Kirk can drive? Star Trek continuity and the new Star Trek film

Posted by David Torres Categories: Editorials, Movies, Television,
I was just watching the new Star Trek trailer again. As you know, the trailer opens with a young James Kirk driving a car, but if you watch the classic Star Trek episode “A Piece of the Action” Kirk does not know how to drive a car.
In the episode, Captain Kirk and the crew arrive on a planet that has been exposed to Earth culture by a book about Chicago gangsters of the 1920s. The entire planet looks like Earth during that time period - complete with cars. Kirk and Spock get in a car and Kirk does not do a good job of driving. But in the new trailer, he’s a master. Are the writers of the new film aware of this discrepancy? Do they care? Am I being a fanboy? I’m just wondering how much more Star Trek continuity will be altered in this new film?
Click to continue reading Captain Kirk can drive? Star Trek continuity and the new Star Trek film
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The coming of James Robinson’s Justice League

Posted by David Torres Categories: Editorials, DC Comics,
It’s been a busy week for me. Between the birth of my second son this past Monday, as well as Thanksgiving, I haven’t had much time to read or write about comics. Today after coming home from the pediatrician, I went and got the mail and in my mailbox was this month’s “Wizard” magazine. On the cover was a picture of the new “Justice League” comic, which will be written by James Robinson. I completely forgot about this book as the announcement for it came early this year.
James Robinson is responsible for writing one of my all-time favorite comic books: “Starman”. “Starman” only lasted 80 issues, but it was not canceled because it stunk. Robinson created a story that had a beginning, middle, and end that DC allowed him to tell - similar to Neil Gaiman’s run on “Sandman,” Robinson had carte blanche when it came to that book and it’s protagonist, Jack Knight.
Click to continue reading The coming of James Robinson’s Justice League
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HP Magic Giveaway: Enter our contest to win over $6,000 in electronics!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Announcements, Features, Home Entertainment, Hot Deals, PC / Laptop,

So, a few days ago we told you about our HP Magic Giveaway, and how we’d be giving away an absolutely ridiculous amount of prizes to the winner. Now, we are announcing the the contest has officially started, and we’ve got the details on how you can enter to win. First, though, a refresher on what we are giving away:
- HP TouchSmart IQ816
- HP HDX18 Premium Notebook PC
- HP Pavilion dv4 Entertainment Notebook PC
- HP Mini 1000 (Windows XP)
- HP MediaSmart Connect
- HP Photosmart C6380 Wireless All-in-One printer
- HP 564 Photo Value Pack
- Microsoft Office Home and Student Edition 2007 with 3 licenses
- Microsoft WIndows Live
- Corel VideoStudio X
- Kung-Fu Panda on Blu-ray disc, and two DVDs
Yes, you do see four computers listed, as well as a Media Center Extender. No, you aren’t dreaming. Yes, we (and HP) are awesome. You want the goods? Here’s how to enter to win - we are making this super-simple:
- If you don’t have one already, sign up for a Gear Live account
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- Add the Gear Live Twitter account to your follow list
- On Twitter, post a tweet about our contest and link to this page. In the tweet, include the phrase “#glmagic”.
- Once that is done, leave a comment here in this post with a direct link back to your Tweet. Be sure you are signed in to your Gear Live account before you leave the comment.
Here’s an example of an appropriate Twitter entry:
“Entering to win a ton of HP gear! #glmagic”
BONUS ENTRIES: Want more chances to win? Share the link to our contests on the following sites, and leave us a comment linking to those as well:
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- Your blog: Have a site? Link to our contest on it!
Remember: The bonus entries are just that - bonus. In order to be eligible to win, you must complete the core Twitter requirements.
Now, as to the actual contest dates. The contest starts today, November 28th. You have until 11:59 PM PST on December 4 to enter your comments here on this post. We will then announce our winner, chosen randomly out of all valid entrants and bonus points, on December 5th. We are also going to encourage (but not require) you to think about donating a portion of the prize package to someone else. It can be a charity, a relative, friend, a fellow contest entrant - anyone. We can even handle the shipping to that third party for you. It’s all in the spirit of giving, and we will let you play Secret Santa, if you so choose.
The contest is open to anyone in the world, which is a rarity. If you are in the US, you’ll even have your tax burden taken care of. What more could you ask for? Now, good luck to all - comments are open!
Update: We’ve announced a winner - and a new contest!
Smallville - January can’t come fast enough!

Posted by Joel Rosenberg Categories: Television, DC Comics,
The other night we had Chloe’s wedding and it was the disaster that it was projected to be. Doomsday crashed the party and carried off the bride (yes, bride, they did get married before all the hullabaloo). Lana came back after learning Green Arrow’s secret and is working with some suspicious character. Lex came back plugged to some weird machine. Jimmy is half-dead. Lois thinks that Clark might be the One. Clark is plain pissed. A typical “Smallville” cliffhanger because they never put one person in peril when they can end a half or full season with just about everyone up the creek. But what do we have to look forward to on January 15, 2009 when the show returns?
Well, how is Clark to deal with Doomsday? Even with Impulse, Cyborg, Aquaman, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, and Green Arrow, it seems Supes is going to need more help. Even though a lot of shows, including “Smallville,” are cutting back to reflect the current economy, we still have room for a slew of guest stars. Well, comic book guest stars as opposed to big name actors.
On January 15, we are going to see the arrival of The Legion of Super Heroes. Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl are going to arrive from the 31st century with stock market tips and to help our hero out. No more worrying about corn prices for a certain Kansas farmboy. DC is digging a little deep from the bench, in my humble opinion, because time travel shows, even when fun, makes my hair hurt. Let’s face it. Go back in time, fail in your mission, then try it again 10 minutes earlier until you succeed. Surely those Terminators sending guys back in time must realize their guys have failed when John Connor and the resistance is still there. Didn’t kill him, try again for Sarah. Fail with her, try the grandmother, etc.
If I have the scenario right, this Doomsday is made from Kryptonese genetic material so he should be superior to Supes. Assuming green kryptonite doesn’t kill him, I wonder if magnetism, lightning bolts, and telepathy will do any good. Well, we will find out in January.
The conclusion to “Batman: RIP” is finally here. The last issue saw Batman entering Arkham Asylum as his back-up personality The Batman of Zur-En-Arrh to rescue Jezebel Jet from the Black Glove and the Joker.
Grant Morrison stated in an interview with Comic Book Resources that what would happen to Batman in this storyline would be “so much better than death. People have killed characters in the past, but to me, that kind of ends the story! I like to keep the story twisting and turning. So what I am doing is a fate worse than death. Things that no one would expect to happen to these guys at all.” When I read this, I became very intrigued. What would happen to Bruce Wayne when the story was over? Well, the story is over and I’m still wondering what the big deal was.
Click to continue reading DC Comics Review: Batman #681
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It’s been a few days since I posted. I’ve been busy because my wife just gave birth to our second child. A baby boy named John.
Mommy is doing well and John’s big brother James loves his new baby brother.
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