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Contest: Win a trip to New York, $1,500 shopping spree, more!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Features,

Yes, we realize we are in the midst of our awesome Modern Warfare 2 Xbox 360 limited edition console giveaway, but hey, it’s the season for giving and we are taking part in yet another fantastic contest that we need to tell you about. Here’s the deal:
We, along with 24 other sites, have partnered with MAGHOUND and People StyleWatch to bring you the MAGnificent Makeover sweepstakes. Up for grabs is a grand prize that includes:
- Roundtrip Airfare for two (that would be you and a guest!) to New York City, NY on a Thursday through Saturday
- Airport Transportation to and from the NYC airport to the hotel
- Hotel Accommodations for a Three-Day/Two-Night stay at a NYC hotel of the Sponsor’s choice
- An afternoon of pampering at a People StyleWatch Recommended Salon, which will take place on the Friday of the trip. Guy or girl, be ready for a salon consultation and treatment that’ll have you walking out feeling like a new person.
- A $1,500 Shopping Spree with a People StyleWatch Editor (on that Friday) who will advise on trendy outfits and wardrobe suggestions at a retail store of the Editor’s choice
Oh, did you think that was all? We’ve also got three first prizes as well. That’s right, three people will be chosen to receive a $100 gift card to either Macy’s or Sephora, your choice.
Here’s the kicker - the contest ends on December 15th, and you can enter once per day! Seriously, go back daily and you increase your odds of walking away with this amazing prize package. Head on over to the entry page to enter and get full details, and be sure to select “Gear Live” in the “How did you hear about this?” pulldown menu.
Read More | MAGnificent Makeover Entry
In a much-too-long YouTube video, musician Reeve Carney talks about donning the red and blue bodysuit for Broadway.
“We just wanted to get up here on YouTube today to tell you something important to us, and to maybe some people who are fans of certain comic books. Okay, basically, let’s cut to the chase—we wanted to confirm the rumors going around the internet today that I, Reeve Carney, will in fact be playing Peter Parker, the amazing Spider-Man, in the Broadway production of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark.”
Click to continue reading Carney Talks Spider-Man Musical
Read More | Just Jared
John Cusack Possibly Aiming For Preacher Role

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, DC Comics,
I know that it’s been quite awhile, but remember how Sam Mendes saw a script for the film adaptation of Preacher? Apparently John Cusack wants in on it, and he seems like a pretty smart dude to be doing so.
When doing his interview rounds for 2012, Cusack was asked about if he would consider doing a comic book film (‘cause, you know, everyone’s a superhero these days). Despite his lackluster response (or knowledge) of comic books, he equivocally spoke about a film that he had been chasing that sounded awfully familiar.
“Yeah, I can [see certain comic books being made into film], there was one or two that I heard of that sounded really cool. One of them was about, I think… it’s a vampire and a killer, and they’re on the road, and it’s this really strange story. I thought that sounded pretty cool. Also some of the obscure ones, I don’t know if there are any more superheroes left… I think it might have been Preacher.”
When asked which character he would wish to portray, he said “either the vampire or the priest. One of those two guys.”
I don’t know about you, but I think that he’d make an amazing Arseface.
Marvel Comics Review: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #4

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, Marvel Comics,
Rating: ****
Another great issue by Brian Michael Bendis. The artwork is good too with artist David LaFuente. I complained before about how I thought Peter Parker looked like he was 12 years old instead of 16, but that doesn’t really bother me all that much. The way he tells the story panel-to-panel is reminiscent of Mark Bagley’s work on the original Ultimate Spider-Man title. I think LaFuente is becoming more the true air to the title than Stuart Immonen. No disrespect to Immonen, but I think both Bagley and LaFuente’s styles are better fit for the characters than Immonen. I hope LaFuente stays around for a while.
Bendis continues his masterful run on the Spider-Man character, which began almost 10 years ago. It’s always fascinating to see a writer stay with a character for that long and see the amount of different stories they can tell.
In typical Bendis fashion, the plot is moving along slowly, but you’re not bored. It’s like having a fine meal and you’re slowly enjoying yourself. So far Peter is still dealing with his new house guest the Human Torch and the drama of dealing with his past and current girlfriends Mary Jane and Gwen. The villain is still Mysterio and this new hooded superhero that first appeared in issue one makes another appearance. Is this new character an Ultimate version of the Hood - the villain Bendis is using over in Avengers? Maybe the Hood is a hero in the Ultimate universe.
Click to continue reading Marvel Comics Review: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #4
Back in the go-go 1990s of television syndication, everybody and his international production company was making hour-long adventure series. My weekend afternoons were filled with two of the best, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess. They were fun, action-packed, never took themselves too seriously and both were thoroughly enjoyable. And they had two things in common: Sam Raimi (that’s right, the Evil Dead/Darkman/Spider-Man guy) and Robert Tapert.
But the market shifted and independent programming took a beating for a few years. Then last year, there was a surprise on my widescreen plasma: Legend of the Seeker. And it too had something in common with Hercules and Xena: Raimi and Tapert. They’d returned to New Zealand where their previous shows were filmed, and drew from the Wizard’s First Rule novels of fantasy author Terry Goodkind to craft another terrific action hour with edge-of-the-seat appeal and really nice FX. It fills that gap for me when BBC America isn’t showing Robin Hood.
Now it’s back for season 2, and the first new episode debuts this weekend (either November 7 or November 8, depending on your local listings). For me, it’s KTLA (Channel 5) at Sunday, 3pm. If you’re in NYC (which is where I always dream of being), it’s 4pm Saturday on WPIX. You can find out your own local times and station at the official LOTS website.
Click to continue reading Legend Of The Seeker 2nd Season: Seek It Out!
Marvel Comics Review: Amazing Spider-Man #610

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, Marvel Comics,
Rating: *** 1/2*
This issue was a lot of fun. It was fast paced and it had non-stop action, which is good for the final issue of a comic book storyline. I also enjoyed the artwork this time; maybe I just grew accustomed to it, but the artwork didn’t bother me as much here in this issue as it did in the others.
Well, I called it in my last review when I said that Kaine would interrupt the stand-off between Peter Parker and Raptor so Peter wouldn’t have to reveal his identity; however, Kaine is there to assist the Raptor - not Peter. We also the flashback to the time when Ben Reilly confronted Raptor (then known as Damon Ryder) in his house - the same house that we know will burn down and kill his family. So we have a two fights playing out back and forth - Kaine showed up during that fight as well. Writer Marc Guggenheim does a nice job of jumping back and forth between the past and the present as well as building up a suspense to final outcome of both stories.
Screwball also shows up again as Spider-Man sets her up for a fight, but it really was a planned diversion for his confrontation with Raptor. This distraction enables Peter to free Harry Osborn and his cousins so that he can change into Spider-Man. Raptor is curious as to why Spider-Man continues to show up to help “Ben Reilly.” Kaine answers that question by pulling off Spider-Man’s mask. The clone situation is explained to Raptor, but Kaine says that Peter is the clone. I think Kaine explains it this way as an excuse for Raptor to take out his revenge on Peter. Raptor may not want to attack Peter if he knew that Ben was really a clone. Just my theory on this situation.
Click to continue reading Marvel Comics Review: Amazing Spider-Man #610
Lionsgate Releases Kick-Ass Posters

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, Marvel Comics,

Lionsgate provides a nice treat for fans of Mark Millar‘s and John Romita, Jr.‘s Kick-Ass, unmasking four posters for the film adaptation.
Instead of touting the actors—which include Nicolas Cage, Superbad‘s Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and Chloe Moretz—the posters (seen after the jump) brandish the characters’ real names as well as their crime fighting alter egos. Placed next to each other (like the comics’ “Umpteenth Printing” variant), the title of the film appears in large block letters in the background.
Directed by Matthew Vaughn, the film hits theaters April 16, 2010.
Click to continue reading Lionsgate Releases Kick-Ass Posters
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Preview: Dr. Horrible Prequel Comic

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, Television, Dark Horse Comics,
If you are anything like myself, you can’t wait for the Dr. Horrible sequel. Thankfully for folks like us, the Whedon crew adheres to our insatiable craving for all things Whedon-related, offering us a comic book chronicling the origin of Dr. Horrible’s feud with Captain Hammer.
Zack Whedon teamed up with Joelle Jones for the one-shot, which is published by Dark Horse.
“It’s a prequel to the web series, and you get to see his first of many embarrassing encounters with Captain Hammer. But the web series is really an origin story too, so this is a little prelude to that,” explains Whedon, who co-wrote Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog with brothers Joss and Jed, as well as Jed’s new wife, Maurissa Tancharoen.
Check out the first six pages of the 24-page book after the jump, then head over to your comic book shop when the full issue hits stores on November 18th.
Click to continue reading Preview: Dr. Horrible Prequel Comic
Read More | MTV
Marvel Comics Review: Captain America: Reborn #4

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, Marvel Comics,
Rating: *** 1/2
After a delay of about a month, the mini-series Captain America: Reborn continues. I’ve really enjoyed this series so far and would recommend it to non-Cap fans as a good example of a good Captain America story. After reading this issue, however, I’m starting to get a bit disappointed. We know Steve Rogers will be “resurrected” and return as Captain America, but we’ve wondered exactly how the story will end with that conclusion. Well, after reading this issue, I think I’ve got the conclusion figured out. It should be good, but I was hoping for something new and different. Maybe I’m wrong and there will be something different, but I doubt it. Before I give my theory of the conclusion, a quick recap.
The Red Skull has more than nine lives. He’s cheated death once again and is now inhabiting a new robotic body. The Red Skull, his daughter Sin, and her boyfriend Crossbones have arrived in Latveria the homeland of Dr. Doom. Doom has the machine that the Skull needs to recover Captain America, who is currently stuck in time. Sharon Carter is the key to getting Steve back; she has surrendered herself because the Skull’s accomplice Norman Osborn revealed to the media that she was the second shooter in the assassination of Captain America.
Click to continue reading Marvel Comics Review: Captain America: Reborn #4

Comic book fans all over the world have experienced a great loss: Sheldon Dorf (pictured to the left of actor Warren Beatty), the founder of San Diego Comic Con, has died at the age of 76.
A victim of diabetes, Dorf had been hospitalized for about a year; he died of kidney failure in San Diego on Tuesday. Dorf started Comic-Con in San Diego after having moved from Detroit in 1970; today, the convention has turned into a media frenzy, attracting around 125,000 fans a year.
Dorf, a freelance artist and letterer, was a major contribution to the comic book industry and will be greatly missed.
Read More | The Hollywood Reporter
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