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Green Hornet's Opening Weekend: $40 Million
Following the $40 million debut of Green Hornet, we at Comix 411 have been fortunate to obtain this recently-leaked memo from [name redacted], a movie executive eager to launch big budget action movies from known properties.
"Thor? Green Lantern? That's yesterday's news! I don't want my tentpole films based on comic books and those graphic novel thingies any more.
"This weekend, the audience for Green Hornet spoke clearly with their wallets about what they really want. And it's movies based on old time radio!
"Apparently there's a goldmine of this radio stuff just waiting for a reboot. My assistant's intern – with the help of his great grandfather and his caregiver - put together a list of potential radio show franchises.
Click to continue reading Green Hornet: $40 Million Opening
"I see here Mr. Watkins, that Comics, Books, Games And More has been moving a lot of copies of Marvel's New Universe titles from your so-called 'quarter bin.' We're gonna need the contact info for all those buyers…"
Publisher's Weekly is reporting on a potential change in pawn shop legislation in Utah that's going to affect used bookstores. It's called the Pawnshop and Secondhand Merchandise Transmission Information Act.
The law – "requiring them (pawn shops) to very actively – and expensively – register all their transactions with a central state database" - used to exempt used bookstores, but that could be changing unless people get on the ball and join the fight against it.
Click to continue reading Utah Comes For Your Comic Books?
If you follow the news and keep track of current events, you already know that Tunisia is in a state of emergency. The president has fled the country and there's chaos galore.
But the nerd in me has questions: Is Mos Eisley safe? Can I still hire a mercenary pilot at the Cantina? Will I be able to get my power converters at Tosche Station? Is Obi Wan's house still standing?
What's that you say? What am I talking about?
As any Star Wars fan knows, Mos Eisley, Anchorhead, Uncle Owen's farm and more are all places of interest in the first (or is it the fourth?) Star Wars movie, A New Hope.
And they were all shot on location in Tunisia which creator-director George Lucas called "the ideal country for filming: beautiful countryside, unique architecture and a very high level of technical sophistication."
So I have to ask. Is Tatooine safe?
My cable to the U.S. Embassy there has gone unanswered.
[Artwork: Bantha, making tracks in Tunisia]
First Look: Chris Evans as Captain America

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, Marvel Comics,
You know that when the shiny, new Spider-Man reboot reveals a first look at its costumed hero before you do, you're a little late to the party.
Finally, Marvel Entertainment released the first image of Chris Evans in complete red, white, and blue Captain America garb. While it's clearly an altered derivation from its comic book counterpart, I much prefer this modernized uniform with the obvious, borrowed pattern and design (was I the only one who couldn't contain giggles at the sight of Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern?).
What do you think of the 2011, real life Captain America?
Read More | E! Online
Weekend Reading: Jaime Hernandez, Green Hornet & Girl Genius

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Interviews, Movies, Television,
Let’s roll...and punch 2011 in the face!
Maggie: Over the holidays, Tom Spurgeon starting running his annual interview series. He stopped at #20 and it’s one of my favorite comic creators ever, Jaime Hernandez of Love & Rockets. They talk about digital comics, work-for-hire, deadlines, formats and Jaime’s process. Great stuff. As someone who’s met Jaime on several occasions and read whole issues of L&R direct from the original art, I enjoyed the heck out of this interview. (In fact, I heartily recommend the entire Comics Reporter Interview series for this season. You can find the list of all 20 interviews and their links here.)
Hornet: If you’re looking forward to the new Green Hornet movie with Seth Rogen, or have been following the GH comics from Dynamite, here’s some fun stuff courtesy of Evan Lewis at Davy Crockett’s Almanack: a collection of vintage GH collectibles. I want everything shown here.
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Jaime Hernandez, Green Hornet & Girl Genius
Comic Book Jobs: Marvel Comics

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, Television, Marvel Comics,
Marvel Comics in New York hasn’t posted much in the way of job listings so far in 2011, but now they have a nice one. is looking for a Video Editor.
You’ll be working with “other video editors and producers through all stages of the video production and post-production process to promote and expose Marvel Comics, Marvel Studios projects and much more.”
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: Marvel Comics
Lots of comic book-related jobs out there this week in a variety of different fields, so get your resume in shape and be prepared to hit "send."
Game company Trion Worlds in San Diego is looking for a Content Designer to “participate in the planning and execution of cutting-edge, memorable missions and enemy encounters including writing dialog, spawning, and scripting.” You must have a “love of pen and paper RPGs, board games, Syfy channel, and comic books.”
Sony is looking for a full-time Administrative Assistant in their Culver City office to handle Field Publicity. There are lots of the usual corporate stuff to handle but here’s part of the job description that stuck out: “Generate Comic Con grid schedule.”
There are some other fun parts of the job too like “facilitating all filmmaker/talent interview requests” and “book/negotiate hair, make-up and styling for all Long Lead Added Value Press Days.”
But I like the whole “grid” thing best.
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: Interns & Designers
1821 is looking for a few interns. And no this isn't some "live without electricity time travel show on The History Channel."
1821 is a new graphic novel and film production company (they're the ones doing Romeo And Juliet: The War with Stan Lee).
It's a 3-month unpaid internship, but it comes with school credit and free lunches. They want a couple of interns ASAP and you'll be working in either their film or their comic division.
Interns are expected to answer phones, assist with script coverage/notes, plus "research, errands, office duties, and special projects." An interest in the comics would certainly help.
Good luck, interns!
[Artwork: Juliet from Romeo And Juliet: The War © 1821]
Ordinarily, I’d just put this down in my Weekend Reading section on Friday, but it’s so beautiful and wonderful to look at, that you need to see it now.
If you love old comics, want to see how one of the masters used to use his newspaper space or wonder why so many cartoonists complain about how the shrinkage of the reproduction size of their art harms the art form, go check this out.
Animator Michael Sporn has posted a nice selection of Lyonel Feininger’s classic strip: The Kin-der-Kids. Michael says the strip stands “with the best of Winsor McCay’s comic strips and, in some ways, is even more graphically daring than McCay.”
Feininger had a fascinating career that started in cartooning and ended in fine art.
After you're done looking at his comics, be sure to check out his wild, later stuff.
Click to continue reading Forgotten Comics: Lyonel Feininger
Comic Book Jobs: DC Comics Digital Marketing

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, DC Comics,
Comic book marketing is a lot of fun - you get to see and hear about tons of stuff long before anyone else is aware of it, and you get to hang with editors and other creative types, and if you’re lucky you get that expenses-paid trip to San Diego for CCI each year. Or was that just me?
DC Comics - referred to in the listing as DC Entertainment - is looking for a Marketing Representative for Sales, Marketing & Business Development for their New York office.
You’ll get to write digital solicitation copy via coordinating with DC’s west coast office, support the Marketing Manager “in the planning and implementing of all digital marketing initiatives,” make sure the Online Department is promoting the right stuff on the right websites and “social networking sites,” and a bunch of other digital marketing strategies and initiatives.
Why the digital marketing office is in New York while the entire digital department is in Burbank is one of corporate life’s mysteries that you may eventually figure out on your own. But a really smart person could figure out a way to rack up the now-almost-useless frequent flier miles.
Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: DC Comics Digital Marketing
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