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Rating: *** 1/2*
Grant Morrison continues his run on Batman and Robin with issue three of the Circus of Strange storyline. In our last issue, Damian had quit being Robin and went off alone to stop the Circus of Strange. His arrogance resulted only in him getting captured by the Circus’ leader, a man by the name of Pyg.
When DC Comics decided to go in this direction of having a new Batman and Robin with Dick Grayson as Batman and Damian Wayne as Robin, they wanted to have a role reversal. Batman was always the dark character and Robin the lighter character. With Dick and Damian as the Dynamic Duo, the roles are reversed: Dick is the “light” and Damian is the “dark”. I was interested in seeing if they could make this a success, but my feeling was that if Dick’s Batman is portrayed as this happy go lucky crime fighter, the image of Batman would not work and readers would reject the idea of Dick as Batman and demand the return of Bruce Wayne to the role.
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Distraction-Free 3D Illustrator Rhonda is Open for Beta Testing

Posted by Kris Madden Categories: Editorials, Reviews,
Like DarkRoom or WriteRoom, which provide full-screen text-editors for writers, Rhonda offers something similar for 3D artists, with a minimalist environment and user-friendly interface. If you’re familiar with AutoDesk’s Sketchbook Pro take on no-frills 2-D illustration, you may want to check out Rhonda for working in 3D. Before you get too excited about creating the next Shrek in Rhonda, know that it just opened Beta testing and they are still working out the bugs and issues, etc.
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Free Comics!: Will Eisner’s Complete Run of PS Magazine

Posted by Kris Madden Categories: Collecting, Reviews,
You’re probably familiar with Will Eisner‘s work on The Spirit, and maybe you’ve read The Contract With God trilogy, but are you familiar with his WWII panels for “Joe’s Dope Sheet”? Courtesy of Virginia Commonwealth University, 254 complete issues of Eisner’s work for PS magazine are available for viewing here.
Eisner created “Joe’s Dope Sheet” for the US Army to illustrate consequences for soldiers who didn’t keep their gear up to code. Every issue is filled with classic Eisner’s technically-taut cartoon/comic illustrations.
It also hosts hundreds of old-school DIY instructionals on army gear maintenance. Even today, PS Magazine is a great read, and must-link for all Will Eisner fans. Here’s a classic example from 1954’s issue #20 of PS Magazine:
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Hailing from Spain, Aitor Iñaki Eraña is the writer/artist behind this 4-page conflicted-character study. The comic strip follows trained-tailor, Arthur Berstein, from his introduction to the underground fashion of Super Villainy to the death of his assistant, and finally, salvation from his night-job.
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Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials,
You know what it’s like. Fall is here, you’re clenching your college degree in one hand and a Stoli in the other and you’ve pretty much wasted the summer since graduation. You’ve read some comics, commented on some blog sites, maybe even gone to this year’s Comic Con International. But now it’s the fall and people are starting to wonder if you’re ever going to put that expensive college education to good use so your parents can start bragging about the ROI they’re getting for their cash.
Wonder no more, because if you’re interested in a job in the funny book industry, they have jobs for you. Well, some of you. And you might need more than just a college education. But still. A job in a sputtering economy based around a stepchild of the dying tree-based publishing industry is still pretty good to find, right?
Read on, then, for a few surprise opportunities at places like Viz (the manga people in San Francisco), Disney (the Empire of the Mouse), Astro City (no, seriously) and a Texas-based company where the cowboy hat might be optional.
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Marvel Comics Review: Amazing Spider-Man #603

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, Marvel Comics,
Rating: ***
The return of the Chameleon continues. In the last issue of Amazing Spider-Man, the Chameleon captured Peter Parker and stole his identity—it appears as if Peter has also been killed. This issue follows the Chameleon as he impersonates Peter Parker. The Chameleon goes about Peter’s life discovering all of things that make Peter tick, from his new job working for J Jonah Jameson to his relationship with Mary Jane. He also decides to take advantage of the situation as he ends up sleeping with Peter’s roommate Michelle Gonzales. How that will all play out when the real Peter Parker returns should be interesting.
Although this isn’t the real Peter sleeping with Michelle, it still bothers me to see Peter hooking up with another woman—it’s like he’s cheating on MJ. I hope that they eventually put them back together; there’s too much history there for them not to be together.
“Peter’s” first Jameson assignment is to take pictures of Jonah with the returning war hero Flash Thompson. Since I haven’t been reading Spider-Man until recently, this was all new to me as far as Flash goes. I like that they’ve made him into a veteran and have him disabled—this adds something new to the character that can bring about some great drama.
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Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, DC Comics,
If you’ve harbored a secret fantasy about working in the hallowed halls of the former National Periodical Publications—the current DC Comics—then you have three shots at winning the comic book lottery this month. Parent company Time Warner has three openings for someone like you. Maybe not you specifically, but certainly someone like you.
First up, is Manager, International Business Development. Yeah, I have no idea what that is either, so I actually read the posting. The new hire “will research territories and new international publishing opportunities” as well as “prospect, pitch, and negotiate international publishing licenses (in person, via telephone and in writing).” There are a lot more responsibilities and requirements at the link, but here’s my favorite: “Analyze DC’s international business to understand trending and recognize opportunities to maximize profitability.” In other words, make us some money, college boy.
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Rating: *
I collect about twelve titles each month - not including mini-series and one-shots. I collect the stuff that really interests me and normally I’m not disappointed. A lot of my reviews for comics are positive. On the four star rating system, I normally give a comic I’ve read three to three and a half stars. Since I began writing reviews for Comix 411, there have been a few comics that I’ve reviewed that have disappointed me. Those comics have received two stars or two and a half. I have never given a comic book, a one star - until today.
Last year DC announced that they would be canceling Birds of Prey. After it was revealed that Dick Grayson would be the new Batman, another announcement was made regarding the collection of Bat-Family books for DC Comics. One of the books that would be debuting would be a new monthly Batgirl title. Leaks began hitting the Internet that there would be a new girl under the mask. Some began to think, with the cancellation of Birds of Prey, Barbara Gordon would be returning to the role of Batgirl in the new title. So who is the new Batgirl? Well it’s none other than Stephanie Brown aka The Spoiler, the former super-hero girlfriend of Timothy Drake Wayne aka Red Robin.
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DC Comics Review: Blackest Night: Superman #1

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, DC Comics,
Rating: *** 1/2*
The Blackest Night makes its way to Smallville in this first issue of Blackest Night: Superman as Black Lanterns resurrect the deceased Earth 2 Superman and Lois Lane. Our story begins with Pete Ross and some local Smallville townsfolk talking amongst themselves when they notice something flying in the sky. Being a Superman comic, someone is guaranteed to utter the famous “Is that a bird?” quote. Well it’s not a bird of course, but it’s instead the resurrected body of Kal-L, the Superman of Earth 2 as a Black Lantern. He arrives in Smallville and makes his way to the Kent farm where Superman, Superboy, and Krypto are sitting down for coffee with Martha Kent.
I love that Conner is back and Superman has a “brother” of sorts; I love the little family that DC is developing here. I would have Supergirl start to develop a yearning to become a part of this family and have her mother become jealous—this would cause a big rift between them, resulting in a throw down with Superman and Allura with Supergirl caught in between. Speaking of which, we see Zor-El become a Black Lantern on New Krypton later in the issue.
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COMIC BOOK JOBS: Who’s Hiring? Northwestern University!

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials,
Okay, so you can’t get a job at one of the big East Coast or West Coast comic book companies. Oh well, there are plenty of other opportunities out there. Have you ever thought of Chicago? Maybe the Evanston Campus of a major university?
The Library at Northwestern University is looking for a Library Assistant to catalog their comic book and underground comix collections in their “Department of Special Collections and University Archives.”
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