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Taking a look around the Craigslist lately, I discovered not a job, but an opportunity. My old pal Al Gordon - a most excellent inker of comics and a fine comic book penciler in his own right, and a Harvey, Eisner and CBG award winner - is offering his comic book workshop.
Of course, it’s in San Francisco because that’s where Al is, but if you can make it there, it’s sure to be worth the trip. Al’s been doing his workshop since 2004, so there’s probably more than a few things you can learn about making comics, making art, making a living and having a career in funnybooks and its related offspring.
According to Al, “If you’re an accomplished ‘creator’ or just a frantic fan of this mind-melting medium and would love to produce your own comics, this is the workshop for you.”
Al promises to teach each class the “craft of producing a comic book, from start to finish” with the goal of creating “a comic book of any style and take it from scratch to a print-ready comic book yarn.”
It’s four classes a month, details and cool stuff at Al’s website.
[Artwork: Cover to Image Comics’ Wildstar by Jerry Ordway and Al Gordon, © Jerry Ordway and Al Gordon]
Preview: The Walking Dead #76

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Reviews, Television, Image Comics,

While the past issues (not to mention the publicity behemoth that is Comic Con) of The Walking Dead have prompted readers to tune into AMC when October rolls around, AMC’s website is now showing love to series readers with a 6-page preview of issue 76.
Wondering what happens to Rick after trusty Michonne’s blow to his head? Check out the preview after the jump and make sure you snatch up a physical copy—in your local comic book store today!
Click to continue reading Preview: The Walking Dead #76
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Comic Con International 2010: I Was There

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Image Comics, Independent,
So it’s over and it’s been over for a while and everyone and his overweight uncle with the tattered, too-small X-Men t-shirt has written about it to death.
And now it’s my turn.
Loved it. Had a great time. Saw a lot of old friends. Made a few new ones. Found a place that makes great nachos.
Yes, the emphasis on back issues has diminished and there’s a decreased emphasis on the newer stuff and Bud Plant’s booth is smaller, but none of that diminished my overall positive experience.
I picked up a couple of hard numbers while shopping. I finally snagged a softcover copy of the first The Walking Dead collection at the Image booth and it turned out to be the last one in stock for the con. I asked the guy at the booth about it and he said that they’d sold over 300 hardcovers of the first collection and sold out of all 700 copies of the softcover version since Preview Night. This was by Friday afternoon, with 2 1/2 more days to go. That’s what happens when good comic meets impending TV show.
Click to continue reading Comic Con International 2010: I Was There
Weekend Reading: Bob Bolling, Doc Savage and Wonder Woman

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Reviews, Image Comics, Independent,
There’s less than 2 weeks to go before fan-filled flights start landing in San Diego. There may not be enough time to pack, but there’s plenty of time to surf the internet.
Bob Bolling: I love Bolling almost as much as Jaime Weinman at Something Old, Nothing New. Weinman posts a Wanda Wunderbuss tale from a 1984 issue of Pep. Added bonus, a link to Jack Kirby’s Archie work.
Rafael De Soto: You know who drew great manly-man covers for magazines like Male, Action for Men, Sportsmen, True Action, Men’s Life, and For Men Only? This guy, and Magic Monkey Boy has a nice display.
Webcomics: Do you know who has some interesting news about Jhonen Vasquez (Invader Zim)? Fleen, that’s who!
Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Bob Bolling, Doc Savage and Wonder Woman
Second Chew Trade Lands on NYT Best Sellers List

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Conventions, Image Comics,
The congratulations keep coming for Chew writer John Layman and artist Rob Guillory!
Following in the footsteps of the Image comic’s first trade paperback, Taster’s Choice, the second volume, International Flavor landed on the New York Times Best Sellers List this week. Considering that the Scott Pilgrim movie buzz has sent fans flocking to comic book stores and blockading much of the list, this is quite an accomplishment.
The series follows Tony Chu, an FDA agent who receives psychic sensations from anything he consumes (coined a “cibopath”), on his adventures in a reality where eating chickens is illegal.
Layman and Guillory are scheduled to be at San Diego Comic Con, selling the hardcover Chew Omnivore Edition (set for wide release on August 11) as well as a special convention variant cover for Chew #12 (in stores next week, on July 14). Make sure you get there quick—I have a hard time believing that a cover titled “The Radioactive Mona Lisa Chicken Cover” will take long to sell out.
Read More | NY Times
Quote of the Day: Robert Kirkman on The Walking Dead TV Set

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Interviews, Television, Image Comics,

“I was telling my manager that I want to walk around on set and look at all the actors and just be like, ‘Oh yeah, I’ve killed you and I’ve killed you and you don’t last very long in the book. Sorry!’ I am seeing a lot of characters who aren’t in the book anymore, and I think that’s kind of cool.”
- The Walking Dead writer Robert Kirkman reflects upon working with old characters on the set of the comic book’s television series adaptation.
(Make sure to check out other notable quotes.)
Read More | USA Today
Ultraverse: Checking In With The Founders

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Reviews, DC Comics, Image Comics, Marvel Comics,

To create the Ultraverse, Chris Ulm convinced seven comic book creators to meet him and Malibu’s editorial staff in Scottsdale, Arizona back in September 1992. Malibu Comics’ Ultraverse flew into print in June 1993, led by those seven: Mike W. Barr, Steve Englehart, Steve Gerber, James Hudnall, Gerard Jones, James Robinson and Len Strazewski.
Click to continue reading Ultraverse: Checking In With The Founders
PHOTO: The Walking Dead’s Rick Grimes Comes to Life

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Television, Image Comics,

As if we’ve let The Walking Dead television series slip out of our thoughts, AMC has consistently
reported on the crew’s production.
Earlier today, the network posted its first image of Andrew Lincoln as the comic book’s troubled hero, Rick Grimes. Although I was really hoping that they’d cast someone who looked a little more like Rick, I must quell such lame fangirl thoughts and put my faith in Frank Darabont and crew (I’m guessing that Lincoln’s acting chops must have compensated for it, though).
Do you think that he’s a believable Rick? Oh and seriously—check out the zombie school video after the jump.
Click to continue reading PHOTO: The Walking Dead’s Rick Grimes Comes to Life
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First Look: The Walking Dead Production Begins

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Interviews, Television, Image Comics,

Nearly a year after Robert Kirkman sealed the deal with Frank Darabont, production has finally begun on The Walking Dead television series. As filming commenced in Atlanta, AMC released photos of the zombies ready to walk on set.
AMC also posted a video of director/writer/producer Frank Darabont talking about his interest in the undead story (in case you were wondering how one goes from directing The Green Mile to researching George Romero films). His best line? “We hope to do for zombies what Mad Men has done for advertising.”
Check out more zombie photos and the complete video after the jump!
Click to continue reading First Look: The Walking Dead Production Begins
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Quote of the Day: John Layman on Hollywood’s Eye For Chew

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Interviews, Movies, Image Comics,

“The Jim Carrey/Bruce Willis companies called me and asked why I didn’t go with them. I said, because I can’t call Jim Carrey. I can call [Brian Michael] Bendis!”
- Chew writer John Layman on Hollywood adaptations.
(Make sure to check out other notable quotes.)
Read More | Comic Book Resources
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