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People WatchingIn the world of instant digital books, this was bound to happen sooner or later.

Paul Moore went to the Phoenix Comic Con over the Memorial Day weekend, and took a bunch of photos. Then he created a three-volume series of Kindle e-books reproducing those photos. I got the first one from Amazon for free during a promotion (it may still be going on).

People Watching Comic Con Phoenix 2012 - Volume 1 is approximately 75 pages, and 70 of them are photographs from the con. According to Moore’s description, “There is nothing quite as fun as people watching that is not either fattening, illegal, or immoral.”

Click to continue reading Phoenix Comic Con - People Watching


Hit GirlRegular readers know how much I love the Craigslist, especially when it comes to looking for jobs in the industry. You never know what you'll find! Let's take a peek...

Superfans are wanted for a live comedy show in New York called Geeking Out!

A talent agency is looking for models to appear at Comic Con International, $16-25/hour. Expect to see a few ads like this as the con quickly approaches.

Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: Checking Out Craigslist

Ernie Chan 2010Comic book legend Ernie Chan (who had previously gone by the name Ernie Chua) has passed away.

Greg Hatcher at Comic Book Resources has a very good piece about him.

Here's a nice, though brief, interview with Ernie from a while ago.

I met Ernie in a "hello, pleased to meet you" kind of way at Comic Con International in 2010 (that's where this photo comes from). He seemed like a very nice guy and the art on his table was just tremendous.

He had a tremendous following because of his Conan work at Marvel, but when I was a kid he was one of the great Batman artists. I loved his dynamic covers as much as I loved his interiors.

[Artwork: Photo of Ernie Chan by and © Tom Mason]

New York Comic ConWe live in a world where there’s almost a comic book convention every weekend. (And some smartypants producer should put together a reality show based around that.)

One of the biggest and best convention organizers is Reed Exhibitions. Their ReedPOP division puts on the New York Comic Con, The Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo, PAX, Star Wars Celebration, The UFC Fan Expo, and “other events in the pop culture world.”

Now they’re looking for a Digital Sales Executive. This is a sales job and you’ll be expected to sell “the ad inventory across ReedPOP's family of show sites as well as creating and selling additional online products.”

Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: ReedPOP

Read More | ReedPOP

Walking DeadRegular readers know how much I love the craigslist, the big box store of odd comic book jobs, and this week is no exception!

Some producers in New York are looking for an “American Comic Book Geek” for a Japanese TV program promoting the new Avengers movie.

A new band in Manhattan called The Super Friends needs a bass player.

Are you an actor who wants to be in a superhero hip-hop music video? “The actor does not have to rap, just act.”

Click to continue reading Comic Book Jobs: Checking Out Craigslist

Shia LaBeoufShia LaBeouf writes his own comic books. The Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull actor has drawn three comics, Stale N Mate, Cyclical and Let's... Party, and last week bought a table at the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo to sell his work and autograph copies for fans.

"I just did it for fun. I had some downtime and I've always been a big fan of comic books. I've said it's like singing in the shower. It's very free and without edit," he said.

Of attending expo, he added the best thing was "having an opportunity to blend in with 5,000 fans all enjoying the same thing."

However, Shia - who is currently filming two movies, The Company You Keep and The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman - has no plans to give up acting and take up his hobby full time: "I do love acting. But this is a fun escape once in a while."

Click to continue reading Shia LaBeouf Writes His Own Comics

Dr. GoyleIf you’re at C2E2 this weekend, I hope you’re having a great time. And if you’re not at C2E2, what’s your problem, buddy?

This is the weekend that I close out a lot of tabs and polish off some links that have been in my inbox for a couple of weeks. But if you haven't caught these stories yet, that makes them new, right?

Daniel Best has been on fire lately with his posts on Gary Friedrich and the Archie Comics lawsuits. He’s got another good one up now - a look at the behind-the-scenes backstabbery and finger-pointing surrounding the Spider-Man musical.

I like this political cartoon by Monte Wolverton.

Creator/writer/artist Howard Tayler (Schlock Mercenary) talks about writing, especially sub-plots, and he illustrates his points with comic strips.

Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Spider-Man, Steve Gerber, John Scalzi and Dr. Goyle

Action Comics #1Greetings, children of the internet. If you're down in Anaheim for the Southern California version of WonderCon, I  hope you had a great time! Here's some stuff you might've missed.

Sad news out of England about comics artist Brett Ewins. Fortunately, blogger Daniel Best has posted information about how you can help.

There’s some concern that Wallace (of Wallace and Gromit) is being hurt by comparisons to an English Labour Party leader.

The weirdly funny tale of Nicolas Cage’s stolen copy of Action Comics #1 could become a movie. At least it’s the “possible movie” everyone’s talking about in the current 15 minutes.

Becky Jewell interviews J. Torres about his work on Archie’s reboot of Li’l Jinx.

Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Bill Watterson, Nicolas Cage and Wallace & Gromit

Zach Weiner Speaks

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions,

SMBCAre you familiar with the TED Conference where all the world’s smarties get together and speechify about the future?

If I were going to a TED event this year, I know which one I’d attend. And so should you.

Zach Weiner, the creator of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, one of the best and most successful webcomics, is going to be a featured speaker at TEDx, at Carnegie Mellon University on March 4.

What’s TEDx? It’s “a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.

Click to continue reading Zach Weiner Speaks

Before Watchmen: Silk SpectreWatchmen! Shazam! Archie! Oh my goodness! Could a weirder week get any weirder? Oh, it can. It’s only February.

Here’s a few things to read until the Super Bowl fever hits you and, oh, wait. No one reading this cares about sports!

Well, of course DC was going to do Watchmen prequels and create more Watchmen-related graphic novels. The series will never be considered out-of-print (and now with online availability, you can get it digitally 24/7/365 so it will truly be “in print” in perpetuity). Since it’s a thing that can’t be stopped, I wish the creators well and I wish the original creators well as well (and hope they’re being compensated for the reuse of their creations). Forbes, the journal of the 1% weighs in with the “It can’t be wrong if everyone’s doing it” argument. Although Before Watchmen has to be one of the least grabby titles in modern comics history.

Michael Cavna at Comic Riffs, the Washington Post blog, collects various opinions on the coming new era of Watchmen prequels.

Here’s the Daily Beast on the behind-the-scenes soap opera at Archie. Once you realize that this is all about controlling the privately-held company, it starts to fall into place.

Click to continue reading Weekend Reading: Watchmen, Shazam!, Archie and Image

