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Thursday April 9, 2009 2:40 pm

Marvel Comics Review: Wolverine: Weapon X #1

Posted by David Torres Categories: Reviews, Marvel Comics,


Rating: ** 1/2*

I haven’t read a X-book in a year or two. Even when I picked up “Uncanny X-men” #500, I didn’t bother reading it because it didn’t interest me. For the longest time, I just haven’t been all that interested in what Marvel has been doing with the world of the X-Men. Ever since they killed Jean and put Scott with Emma, I just could care less.  The only X-Men experiences I have been reading are of Wolverine in the “New Avengers” - which I just dropped. 

When I first heard that Marvel was going to a do a third monthly series featuring Wolverine I almost lost it. I couldn’t believe how stupid Marvel was being with the Wolverine character in their quest to put him in comic after comic, month after month. I wasn’t planning on getting this issue, but with the new Wolverine movie coming out, I began missing the old days when I used to love reading the Wolverine monthly title. Both Chris Claremont and Larry Hama did some amazing stuff on that book. I highly recommend reading those old stories. So I picked up “Wolverine” Weapon X” purely for nostalgia reasons. Did it live up to those old Wolverine stories? No, but it wasn’t completely awful.

This issue focuses on a group of people from Roxxon getting a hold of the Weapon X files in order to make their own group of super soldiers.  Wolverine finds out about this from his old Weapon X buddy Maverick who no longer has his powers thanks to the Scarlet Witch in the “House of M” storyline.  Wolverine decides to stop them and show them that they can’t build a better killing machine because they already did.  Chessy, but whatever.

The story is quick and to the point.  No new ground is broken here and it doesn’t make me want to get the next issue.  Maybe I’ll pick it up - especially if I like the Wolverine movie, but the story has to really pick up in order for me to put this on my pull list.  Ron Garney does a good job with the art, but nothing spectacular.  If you love Wolverine, you’ll probably like this, but if you don’t like Wolverine, you can pass on this.  I hope there are some good Logan stories on the horizon.  I’m starting to really miss him.



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