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Saturday November 14, 2009 1:33 am

Weekend Reading: Webcomics, Fritz The Cat, E-Man and Batman!

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials,

Kez's War of WindsBack again with more cool stuff from around the internet. Whether your tastes run to Ralph Bakshi’s version of Robert Crumb’s Fritz The Cat, webcomics, E-Man or inappropriately sexual licensed Batman products, the internet proved a bounty of great stuff this week. Let’s take a look.

Webcomics: I love webcomics - and some day we’ll all just call them comics, right? - and I love the sites that cover them. Which means I love Floating Light Bulb. In addition to coverage of webcomics, there are lots of great insights into using them as a business, plus stuff on Google, Twitter, and more. Also, this person is smarter than me. A highly recommended site to bookmark.

Here’s a taste from a recent post. This past week featured an interview with Kez who does the webcomic War of Winds. The interview’s focus is all about webcomic creators attending conventions, hand-selling, meeting fans and making fans. It’s about the “creator as small businessperson” model. Kez also breaks down how much money can be made via her website v. conventions. “I completed one short 54-page comic as a printed side-story, which has sold well. While I didn’t start out with that story from a business stand-point, I ended that way. Out of the 50 copies I had printed, I have sold 42, gave away 2, have 3 left to sell, and 3 that were mis-printed. I bought each for about 7 dollars, sold them for $10 each, and made a profit of over $100. I will be printing more books shortly, as books sell the best at conventions.” It’s great to see someone talking hard numbers like this, instead of theory. Much, much more at the link.

Dracula: Over at Booksteve’s Library, Steven Thompson writes about a Dracula graphic novel, in mass-market paperback form, from 1966, written by Otto Binder and illustrated by Alden McWilliams.

E-Man: I always thought that Nick Cuti and Joe Staton were a terrific team at Charlton. I fondly remember a story of theirs called “The Egg.” When they teamed up for E-Man back in 1973, it felt like somehow they’d tricked Charlton into publishing it. Diversions of the Groovy Kind is kind enough to post the first issue so you can appreciate it and study a terrific blend of writer and artist and super-hero.

Fritz The Cat: With Robert Crumb back in the news thanks to his retelling of the Bible, other bits of Crumbiana are popping up all over the net. Over at his blog, Michael Sporn posts some nice New York-inspired backgrounds from Ralph Bakshi’s Fritz The Cat cartoon.

King City: Over at The Comics Reporter, Tom Spurgeon takes a look at Brandon Graham’s King City (once at Tokyopop, now at Image) and likes what he’s reading.

Noir: Over at NPR, Glen Weldon takes a look at a new Dark Horse anthology, Noir: A Collection of Crime Comics with work by Ed Brubaker, Brian Azzarello, Alex de Campi, Jeff Lemire, Paul Grist, Dean Motter and others.

Joe Maneely: If you’re in the mood for cowboys, you can’t do much better than a couple of Ringo Kid stories by Joe Maneely.

Missing Comics: Gary Sassaman has an observation about why his local comic shop uses the “we’re missing a box of comics from Diamond this week” excuse too often.

Villains: Screenwriter John August (Go, Charlie’s Angels, Big Fish, Prince of Persia) has some advice to writers for writing villains: every villain is a hero. He then explains his point.

Five To Read: Over at i09, Graeme McMillan knows five books we should all be reading: Air, Resurrection, Locke & Key, Pluto and King City (lots of people like KC, it seems). Time to hit the LCS again.

Peter & Max: Novelist Bill Crider reviews the new Fables book by Bill Willingham and artist Steve Leialoha. He likes the bang for his bucks: “You get a lot for your money here.”

Slave Leia: Artist Al Bigley posts a photo of Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia in her Slave Girl Leia outfit sunbathing with her clone on the set of Return of the Jedi. Admit it, you didn’t even finish reading the sentence before you clicked on the link (and I realize that this picture has been posted at only about 1000 websites around the blogosphere, but who would really complain about seeing it too many times? Also, once you get over to Al Bigley’s site, you’ll find plenty of cool artwork to look at).

Batman: Kevin Nowlan gets it done.

Batman, Again: I know it’s hard to think up new products to stick Batman’s face on, but once you find one, shouldn’t you also pay attention to the position of the figure so that Batman doesn’t look, y’know, like he’s having sex with a tree stump?

And that’s a very good place to stop. Thank you, internet!

[Artwork: Excerpt from a War of Winds page, © Kez]



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