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Friday September 25, 2009 4:05 am

Weekend Reading: Walter Hill, Carrie Fisher, Paul Levitz and Scarlett Johansson

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials,

blackwidowIf you were surfing the internets this week, you might have discovered that movie director Walter Hill was a big fan of EC Comics, Paul Levitz wrote a comic book with a bondage scene, Bob Oksner drew pretty girls (which shouldn’t be news to anyone, really), and Carrie Fisher doesn’t like to be insulted (but then again, who does). If you missed these and other fascinating tidbits of digital wonder, keep reading:

Walter Hill: The most excellent writer and director, Walter Hill has had a hand in some of my favorite movies—48 Hours, Alien, The Long Riders, and The Warriors, to name just four. Over at The Hollywood Interview, they’ve got a career-spanning interview with him. And who knew he was a comic book fan? Says Hill, “I read a lot of the EC Comics back in the fifties. I never particularly liked superheroes…I particularly liked the EC comics because they were darker.” More at the link.

Paul Levitz’s Bondage Comics: Now that Paul has left DC and plans to return to writing regular comics, it might be fun to look at some of his past, pre-President of DC, work. Over at Steve Ditko’s Comics Weblog, Bob H regularly posts lots of great Ditko art. One of the pieces up this week is a look at Stalker #2. Stalker was a short-lived 1970s series written by Paul Levitz, and illustrated by Ditko and Wally Wood, and in issue #2, they all got together to strap a woman down to play a Code-approved game that looks a little like the end of Braveheart (except for the last-minute heroic rescue part).

Angel and the Ape: One of my favorite features on Todd Klein’s blog is his logo studies—an analysis of the different logos a particular comic book has used over its lifetime. This week, it was Angel and the Ape, and we are a better people because of it. He reproduces a bunch of the covers too, and it serves as a reminder of just how great an artist Bob Oksner was. Go appreciate.

Carrie Fisher: Princess Leia doesn’t like to be called fat. “I found that someone had posted that I used to be hot, but that now I looked like Elton John.”

Scarlett Johansson: If you’d like to meet Scarlett Johansson and score…some tickets to Iron Man 2, then Oxfam America has a deal for you. It’s an eBay auction that’s running until the 24th. So, sell off your Silver Age Marvels, dip into the college fund (or retirement money, depending on your age), beg, borrow and steal from friends, and bid like the rabid fanboy you know you are. Besides, it’s for a good cause. And Oxfam’s not bad either.

The Flash: If The Flash is ever late it’s because, well, Barry Allen’s wife Iris is horny when she first wakes up. Keller has the details at DC Comics 40 Years Ago.

That’s it for the internets this week! Have a great weekend and come back soon.

[Artwork: Miss Scarlett in the Conservatory with her bracelets]



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