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Friday June 25, 2010 10:25 pm

Weekend Reading: Star Wars, Star Trek, Scooby Doo and Joe Kubert

Sgt RockWelcome to the weekend on the internet. Let’s get it started with Mr. Joe Kubert.

I had the pleasure of working for a company that published one of Mr. Kubert’s books (Abraham Stone) and got to hang out with him a little at Comic Con International one year. Just a great, great guy, as well as a fantastic artist. Marty Pedler at Bookslut has a new interview with him, and if you haven’t read it yet, get over there. Here’s a little snip: “I still feel that if it’s not a children’s medium, it’s at least a young person’s medium—despite the fact that the average person who reads comic books is now, I’m told, probably in their early twenties. Maybe it’s because I’m an old fogey, I don’t know, but I still feel a little strange and awkward when I see stuff that’s so blatantly sexual.”

Zombie Star Trek: I’m not a fan of the Star Trek novels, but I’m totally on board with this one: Night of the Living Trekkies by Kevin Anderson and Sam Stall.

Dick Giordano: My old pal Bob Greenberger attended the recent memorial for Giordano that DC Comics put together. Bob refers to it as Old Timer’s Day but to me it reads more like All-Star comics.

Comic Heroes: The second issue of the new UK comics magazine is out and artist Lew Stringer – who has a piece in the issue – runs down the contents.

J.A. Konrath: Lots of comics are going digital now and like it or not, fanboy, print is fading as a viable form. Author Konrath has an exclusive deal with Amazon’s Kindle and he’s not shy about breaking down the numbers, which another author, the always-reliable Lee Goldberg, interprets.

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: Gee, has this movie been debated, castigated and dissected on the internets yet? If you can stand to read about it yet again, I recommend a post over at The Cockeyed Caravan. Author Matt Bird explains why we don’t care about the main characters – it’s their complete lack of “stuff.”

Pulp: Sean Ellis has a Secret Agent X novel available for free downloading in a variety of formats over at Smashwords. “Pulp hero Secret Agent X, the original man of a thousand faces, is about to face his greatest challenge and a villain preparing to unleash a wave of death.” At 17,000 words, it seems like a fitting pulp-style adventure!

Victor Gischler: The writer of some terrific novels as well as comic books like Deadpool: Merc With A Mouth has a new book out now called The Deputy. Alan Cranis at Bookgasm has nice things to say about it.

Dan DeCarlo: Jaime Weinman has some early thoughts on the new IDW collection Best of Dan DeCarlo: Volume 1.

Where do writers get their marvelous ideas? From life, of course. Writer Lance Mannion schools you in how to observe and turn that into an idea in a post called The Tattooed Attorney.

Dog Eat Doug: Artists are forever in search of the perfect pen or pencil to accomplish specific tasks. Brian Anderson’s found a pen that’s perfect for the kind of sketching and doodling he does when he’s not working on his comic strip.

Scooby-Doo: Ruh-ruh. If you love the Scooby then you’ll appreciate Scott Neely’s new online store. Neely’s been drawing the Scooby-Doo comics for DC for quite a while and he’s putting some of his originals up for sale. Nice, nice stuff. Original art is great for framing in your home or apartment and also makes a lovely Christmas gift.

Atlas/Seaboard Comics: Valerie D’Orazio is an expert on John Targitt…Man-Stalker.

Electric Superman: Superman was always all-powerful, then he went all Ben Franklin and became…electric. Mike Sterling takes us all back to a simpler time.

And finally, Barry Allen is just plain weird, Iris West is a jerk and those Silver Age Flash stories? Very funny. Check ‘em out over at Comics Make No Sense.

That’s it for this week. Enjoy the weekend!

[Artwork: Sgt. Rock and friends by Joe Kubert, © DC Entertainment]



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