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Saturday December 29, 2012 12:43 pm

Weekend Reading: Stan Lee, Alois Nebel, Adam Beechen and Stuntman!

Stan Lee 1975Whew! What a year! Let's see what the internets hold for the final few days!

Happy birthday to the Funky Flashman himself, Stan Lee, who turns 90. Buzzfeed has his life in pictures.

Here’s what I like about the internets: finding a feature length animated film adapting a graphic novel I’ve never heard of. In this case, it’s Alois Nebel, “a Czech feature length animation directed by Tomas Lunak and based on a trilogy of graphic novels by Jaroslav Rudis and Jaromir 99.” There’s a preview of it at the link.

Adam Beechen talks with Newsarama about Batman Beyond, and beyond.

My pal Richard Pachter reviews a nifty bunch of books including Happy, The Nao of Brown, Building Stories, Marbles, Fashion Beach, and more!

For those interested in self-publishing, here’s how a VP at Penguin Books did it.

In the spirit of the holidays, Longbox Graveyard looks at the Marvel Treasury Edition, Giant Superhero Holiday Grab-Bag from 1975! Once you see it, you can’t look away!

Daniel Best at 20th Century Danny Boy gets to the bottom of Stuntman #4 by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby.

If you got some money for the holidays, and are looking for collectibles to spend it on, may I recommend browsing through Booksteve’s Bookstore?

And finally, did you know that Batman, Tarzan, Lara Croft and Sherlock Holmes all live in the same house? It’s called the Hatfield House, not the Big Brother House.

Happy New Year, everyone and use your internets responsibly!

[Artwork: Stan Lee]



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