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Saturday January 8, 2011 3:06 am

Weekend Reading: Stan Goldberg, Steranko And Villains & Vigilantes

Villains & VigilantesLet’s roll...and punch 2011 in the face!

Writers Without Borders: J. A. Konrath, an excellent writer and a smart guy especially on publishing subjects, has some thoughts about the current spiral of Borders bookstores.

Comix: The Forbidden Planet blog introduces me to a new “underground” style newspaper available in London. “The tabloid size is absolutely lovely for reading comics. It’s something our ancestors knew so well, but we’ve forgotten it over the years.” I really want The Comix Reader to succeed, so if you’re living over there, go get one.

Sci-Fi: My old friend Scott Bieser has a new webcomic that he's started called Quantum Vibe. I'm bookmarking it and you should too.

Archie: Blogger Steven Thompson at Booksteve’s Library reviews Archie: The Best of Stan Goldberg: “Unlike the usual Archie house style, his Betty and Veronica look different from each other, with Betty in particular showing a unique cuteness when drawn by Stan.”

Bicentennial: And as proof that you can never have too many blogs, that same Steven Thompson has a new one. It’s Geek’s Journal 1976, “the only 1976 comic book geek blog on the Net.” Steven is posting his daily journal entries from that year along with relevant graphics and hindsight commentary. I love it!

Zombies: Curt Purcell at The Groovy Age of Horror is into The Walking Dead #80 and the start of the new storyline.

Detectives: Bruce Grossman at Bookgasm looks at three mysteries this week and one of them gets a rave: it’s Blacksad by Juan Díaz Canales and Juanjo Guarnido. “The art is stupendous and the storytelling pitch-perfect.”

Batmobile: Man, that’s a lot of Batmobiles!

Link: SF Signal

Decompose: Beau Smith (Wynonna Earp) ponders the question of what will happen to our respective comic book collections once we shuffle off this mortal coil.

Predict: Mike Sterling’s Progressive Ruin is hosting commenters’ predictions for 2011. Go now.

Conan: Writer Marc Bernardin knows exactly what the now-available California ex-governor Arnold should do to jumpstart his return to acting.

Steranko: John Zipperer at Weimar World Service has rediscovered Jim Steranko’s old Mediascene magazine and he’s posted some of the publication’s beautifully designed covers. Sweet!

Herman: Writer Jack Herman is interviewed about his work as co-creator of Villains & Vigilantes.

Covers: I’d love to live inside the world that Hugh Joseph Ward paints.

Change: Norm Feuti is going to be making some changes to his strip Retail in 2011. Comic Strip Of The Day has some well-thought thoughts about it.

Sack I: Animator Michael Sporn posts a number of George Baker’s Sad Sack strips by George Baker. That guy could really, really draw.

Sack II: And speaking of cartoonist George Baker, I love this collection of Sad Sack And The Sarge covers that he did.

And finally, sf writer John Scalzi is looking forward to 10 science fiction films this year. Green Lantern, yup, is one of them. Cowboys & Aliens is another one.

Now use your internets responsibly!

[Artwork: Villains & Vigilantes]



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