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Sunday June 5, 2011 10:53 am

Weekend Reading: Reboots, Disney, Superman and Cheech Wizard

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, DC Comics,

Cheech WizardWith all the talk of DC’s big reboot, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at something Grant Morrison, Mark Waid, Mark Millar, and Tom Peyer put together for DC back in 1998: Superman 2000. And it was. I would totally read these comics.

Now let's see what else can be read:

Euro: I always get a kick out of it when someone reads their first graphic novel. Karen at the Euro Crime blog (a terrific blog for crime fiction) read a Doctor Who graphic novel. Her verdict: “looks beautiful but doesn't take long to read!”

Halloween: It’s never too early to talk about The Halloween Legion, a new project from Martin Powell.

Bambi: It wasn’t always a classic of children’s literature as some might suspect. The Storyboard blog at the Walt Disney Family Museum breaks it down. Bonus: rabbit death.

Bode: Greg Theakston is blogging his life story, and one of his most excellent posts is about how he attended the funeral of his friend Vaughn Bode. Bonus: Appearance by the late Jeffrey Catherine Jones.

Jones: Artist George Pratt remembers Jeffrey Catherine Jones.

Fantasy: Author Jonathan Stroud has a graphic novel adaptation of his fantasy novel The Amulet of Samarkand. Stroud adapted the story with Andrew Donkin, with art by Lee Sullivan. I like the way it looks.

And finally, Stephen Fry will voice a talking bench and it's not a new Pixar cartoon.

Now use your internets responsibly!

[Artwork: Cheech Wizard by Vaughn Bode]



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