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Sunday November 18, 2012 4:06 am

Weekend Reading: James Bond, Peanuts, Bolland and Shang-Chi

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Reviews, Marvel Comics,

Twinkie The Kid and Fruit Pie The MagicianI'm still reeling from the loss of Twinkies and Ding Dongs, the meth of bloggers. So bear with me.

Tainted Archive points us in the direction of James Bond - all of the novels (including those not written by Ian Fleming) are being put online courtesy of Ian Fleming Publications.

I barely understand the world of high-finance, but apparently, Snoopy is going to be issuing bonds. Iconix, the owners of Peanuts, will use the money to go on a spending spree and acquire at least one more company for their portfolio.

Longbox Graveyard goes for gold again and tackles another issue of Doug Moench and Paul Gulacy’s Master Of Kung Fu: #74

Here’s a nifty translated interview with Brian Bolland. Man, I miss seeing his work in comics.

Award-winning science fiction author John Scalzi examines a recent nerd girl rant from comic book artist Tony Harris.

My old pal Paul Birch takes a look at the new Lucky Luke graphic album.

John Zipperer at Weimar World Service publishes a free online sf magazine that’s a lot of fun in a Starlog-kind-of-way. Recommended!

According to Rod Lott at Bookgasm, the creators of the Virgin Vampires graphic novel have succeeded at making a comic book version of a Hammer film.

I love this Power Pack cover by June Brigman and Bob Wiacek. I wish someone would hire June for a regular book.

And finally, because I'll always link to something about Red Dwarf, here's an interview at Den of Geek with writer Doug Naylor.

Now go and use your internets responsibly!

[Artwork: Twinkie The Kid, the forgotten hero of comics, and his pal Fruit Pie]



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