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Saturday January 28, 2012 4:09 am

Weekend Reading: Jack Kirby, Arnold Drake, James Bond and Star Wars

Ben GrimmLast weekend in January, last weekend before the Super Bowl, which means there’s really nothing on TV this weekend. Fortunately, the internets provide:

Neal Adams is gunning for Marvel on behalf of Jack Kirby.

The Comic Book Insider is the new podcast from comic book writer and former DC Comics editor Brian Augustyn.

James Bond vs. Batman: Now there’s a team-up I’d really like to see. The HMSS blog looks at how both heroes have had to adapt to changing times.

One of my favorite movie blogs, Flick Attack, looks at an old film written by veteran DC writer Arnold Drake (Deadman; The Doom Patrol): The Flesh Eaters.

Did you know that Boom! Studios’ bullpen - the BOOM!Pen - has a Tumblr blog? They do!

This has been linked to by a lot of others, but I think it’s worth spreading around. Faith Erin Hicks posts about her life as a cartoonist and how she makes do, making comics and staying afloat on a relatively small amount of money. It’s both inspiring and a little frightening. Her new book, Friends With Boys is coming out soon and it deserves a look!

If you want to see the way lettering used to be done, someone’s posted the entire 1957 Speedball Lettering book at Flick’r.

You know who’s got a Kindle collection of short stories out now? Comic book writer Paul Kupperberg. It’s called: In My Shorts: Hitler's Bellhop and Other Stories.

Scott Edelman’s wife, Irene Vartanoff, a former Marvel employee, is putting up for auction her copy of Amazing Fantasy #15. And Amazing Adventures #1. No, not that one. The original one.

Cory Doctorow at boingboing likes Hilda by Luke Pearson, calling the comic “in the tradition of Miyazaki and Moomins.”

The cartoonist Nattosoup tests out the new tech pens acquired in Japan with some impressive cartooning.

You know who the Silver Surfer liked to boss around? A lot? His surfboard. Paul O’Connor at Longbox Graveyard has the details.

And finally, if you’re really worried about same-sex relationships in a Star Wars game, you've got a huge closet packed with issues. I’m looking at you, Family Research Council.

That’s all, readers! Use you internets responsibly!

[Artwork: Ben Grimm by Jack Kirby, © Marvel Comics, and swiped from Planet Kraalo]



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