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Sunday July 1, 2012 12:39 pm

Weekend Reading: Frazz, Doc Savage and Spike Milligan

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Conventions, Editorials, Reviews,

FrazzTo everyone suffering through the summer heat wave, wind and electrical storms and power outages in the U.S., my heart goes out to you. If you’ve still got the internets, here are some things to help ease the pain.

Daniel Best reports on trouble at Oz Comic-Con in Australia this weekend.

With convention season in full swing, the critic Bill Sherman reviews Rob Salkowitz’ Comic-Con And The Business Of Pop Culture, an account of the 2011 Comic Con International in San Diego. “Salkowitz approaches his topic as both a business analyst and a longtime fanboy -- and he shows a commendable breadth of knowledge about both the medium and the somewhat clannish fan culture.

I really like the stories that go along with Comic Strip Of The Day. This one goes with Frazz by Jef Mallett.

And speaking of Frazz, here's an older interview with creator Mallett that focuses a lot on bicycles.


Paul Kupperberg has some things he’d like to get off his chest in “Don’t Believe Everything You Read,” so beware, you revisionist historians lurking on the internets...

Paul O’Connor looks at the “Ten Manliest Superheroes” at Longbox Graveyard, with added opinions by me and Chris Ulm.

It’s been awhile since I checked in with Gutters, and they still make me laugh.

Fans of Doc Savage should be interested in Jim Main’s Zine of Bronze #8 that just went on sale.

Galleycat finds word about Matt Parkinson’s promotion at Dark Horse.

At SF Signal, author Gina Misiroglu guest-blogs about her new non-fiction book: The Superhero Book: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Comic-Book Icons and Hollywood Heroes

And finally, who doesn’t love a little bit of the great British comedian Spike Milligan?

Now go use your internets responsibly!

[Artwork: Frazz by Jef Mallett]



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