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Monday January 9, 2012 8:33 am

Weekend Reading: Frank Miller, Star Wars, Ghost Rider, Deathlok

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies,

Everyone enjoying the new year so far? So’s the internet, so let’s see how:

Tom Spurgeon at The Comics Reporter wrapped up two weeks of holiday interviews with a pile of interesting creators. Even if you’re not specifically into their individual works, you should read them all. It’s a fascinating look at lots of creative people in the biz. I especially enjoyed the chats with Kim Thompson, Art Spiegelman, and Todd DePastino on Bill Mauldin.

Is there a worse piece of entertainment than the Star Wars Holiday Special? What about its book tie-in?

If you’ve been interested in the Gary Friedrich/Marvel/Ghost Rider lawsuit, Daniel Best at 20th Century Danny Boy has the judgment paperwork to read.

Over at Longbox Graveyard, my friends Chris Ulm and Paul O’Connor (the dynamic duo of Appy Entertainment), debate and discuss Rich Buckler’s Deathlok from the 1970s: “I was honestly expecting that my ‘70s lens would not be too distorted, but I’m now convinced that the power and majesty of the character conception and design addled my adolescent memory into creating a whole different story.”

Is it time to sell your Frank Miller comics? Somebody seems to think so! “I kept buying the damn things, until The Dark Knight Strikes Again came out, and I couldn't even defend the art any more. Frank Miller was now a rich creator of shi**y comics.”

Lalo Alcaraz, creator of the syndicated comic strip La Cucaracha, has relaunched his “news y satire” site, Pocho. It includes Alcarez’s review of 2011 in cartoons.

Amid at Cartoon Brew has a nice list of animation books that’ll be coming out this year. Is it wrong to want them all?

Today in Comics looks at the legacy of the ‘Comics Czar’ of the 1950s and the clean-up of those terrible comics we love.

Adam Christopher’s new book Empire State looks like it’s in my wheelhouse. Here’s the author writing about an early inspiration, 2000 A.D.: “I remembered a friend at high school reading them under his desk at the back of class a decade before, and I remembered him showing me a one-shot story about Marconi inventing the radio to talk to his dead brother.”

Novelist and funnybook writer Victor Gischler (X-Men; The Deputy) hints at a 2012 creator-owned comic.

Now use your internets responsibly!

[Artwork: Bea Arthur from the Star Wars Holiday Special, © Lucasfilm]



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