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Friday August 6, 2010 10:58 pm

Weekend Reading: Comic Con International, iPads, and Zeroids

ZeroidsWelcome to the first post-San Diego version of Weekend Reading. I’m not linking to any convention reports because, well, other people do a much better job of tracking them all down. However, I will link to this. Mark Evanier does a much better job than I ever could of explaining how the Hollywood invasion of Comic Con International is not only necessary but welcome.

Spurgeon V. Field: There are many reasons why Tom Spurgeon won the Eisner this year at San Diego. This is one of the reasons why he should win it next year, too.

iPad: If you’re thinking of getting one, Beau Smith can make that decision easier for you.

Up, Up, And Away He Goes: James Bond and Superman screenwriter Tom Mankiewicz has passed away. Says The Guardian‘s classy obit: “In 1977 the director Richard Donner recruited Mankiewicz to work on the script of Superman, for which he received the credit of creative consultant, a fancy name for script doctor.”

Sparkplug: Over at Bookgasm, Rod Lott takes a look at a quartet of comics from Sparkplug Comic Books: Eschew #2, Neptune, Whirlwind Wonderland and Department of Art #1.

The United States and Japan share a beautiful manga kiss of propaganda.
[Link: Fark]

Jim Parsons: The Big Bang Theory actor was once heavier and once played a super-hero named Mr. Nice Guy.
[Link: TV Tattle]

Jaime Weinman over at Something Old, Nothing New is eagerly anticipating the new Fantagraphics collection of Floyd Gottfredson’s Mickey Mouse comic strips: “Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck were much more interesting characters outside of animation.”

Faster Than A Foreclosure Notice: This is the kind of story that publicists and newspapers just love.

Zeroids: Writer Jim Beard got an early look at Moonstone’s revival of the old Zeroids property.

Gotham Central: Peter Rozovsky over at Detectives Beyond Borders takes a look at Gotham Central by Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka and Michael Lark.

And I’m done! Have a great weekend!

[Artwork: An old Zeroids robot.]



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