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Sunday April 22, 2012 1:39 am

Weekend Reading: Before Watchmen, Mark Waid, Pogo & Ultraverse

Luther StrodeWelcome, weekend warriors! The internets have released a bounty of digital delights, so let's check 'em out!

John Rogers (Leverage) talks about his role in Mark Waid’s digital comics venture, and also talks about digital comics in general. John's a very smart guy, so he's well worth listening to.

One of my favorites, SF author Jay Lake (Rocket Science; Mainspring), is profiled in the Sunday Oregonian.

Over at John Scalzi’s Whatever, author Justin Jordan writes about the trade collection of his Image comic, The Strange Talent of Luther Strode, inspired by those Charles Atlas ads in old comics. After reading about it, it’s now something I need to get.

Heidi nails what’s going on over at Disney, with link to Nikki Finke.

David Brothers nails Before Watchmen. I love the phrase “ethical rot.”

20th Century Danny Boy, aka Daniel Best, runs the “Toberoff Timeline,” and provides documentation.

My pal Booksteve has a nice gallery of Bob Peak’s artwork. Not heard of Peak? You’re in for a treat!

I’d buy a modern comic called Surf ‘N Wheels.

Depluto is back posting again at his Ultraverse Flashblack blog.

Chris Mautner has the same feelings towards Walt Kelly’s Pogo that I do.

If you haven’t been to the Scottie Young store yet, what are you waiting for?

Longbox Graveyard takes a look at superhero theme music. Bonus: the awful opening credits for Batgirl.

Boom!’s Tumblr is a lot of fun. Comics needs more bouncy houses.

More Wallace and Gromit? Hell to the yes!

And finally a word about retailing. How well to Apple stores do per square foot? Really well. Really, really well.

That's all for this week! Use your internets responsibly.

[Artwork: The Strange Talent of Luther Strode]



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