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Saturday November 6, 2010 11:31 pm

Weekend Reading: Batman, Tintin, Starlog and Jerry Bingham

Batman Confidential 50A big week on the internets, so let’s get right to it.

For me, the big news is that my pal Jerry Bingham is illustrating a 5-part story in Batman Confidential, starting in issue #50 that went on sale this week. If you’re on the fence about it, here’s a multi-page preview of it that’ll make you wish Jerry drew more comics. Fans of Batman: Son of the Demon rejoice!

Batman: Over at Project Child Murdering Robot, Ricky Sprague comments on the upcoming Christopher Nolan Batman movie with some language that might be NSFW but SWR (still worth reading)! Bonus shout out to Batman: Year One: “It was among the first of the modern age comic book character reboots that now seem to occur every other year or so. Mr. Miller's hardboiled writing was at its peak, and Mr. Mazzucchelli is one of the best illustrators ever.”

Biff! Bam! Pow!: Bob Greenberger at ComicMix tackles the eternal question: Is Legends of the Superheroes any good? “You have to love kitsch, bad writing, awful acting, and comic books to enjoy (or endure) these specials.”

Hipster Superman: Early Word looks at the library appeal of Superman: Earth One by J. Michael Straczynski, Shane Davis and Sandra Hope.

Superman II: Yes he cries. And not just because of layoffs at DC.

Herge: Cartoon Brew takes a look at the first image released from Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson’s adaptation of Tintin. You’ll definitely want to read the comments section!

John Zipperer has two posts up that are well worth reading at Weimar World Service. First up, he takes a look at Entertainment Weekly’s coverage of DC’s Green Lantern movie vs. their coverage of Marvel’s Captain America movie.

Then he has a great interview with Carr D’Angelo about his days on staff at Starlog. It’s great behind-the-scenes stuff about how the magazine was put together.

Laughs: I love a good humor magazine, and this looks like it might be one. You can read the first issue of Punchline online and see what you think.
[Link: Daily Cartoonist]

De Rechter: Congratulations to Jess van Muylwijck, creator of the The Judge, a syndicated strip that appears in 14 papers across Holland. He just won the Stripschapprijs, the Comic Strip Society Award for lifetime achievement.

James A. Owen: The writer-artist-graphic novelist goes behind the scenes with his latest novel The Dragon’s Apprentice at John Scalzi’s Whatever. “When I became a professional in the comics field – which happened when I was a lot younger than most people realize – I went into it with the mindset that the best creative work would spring from an environment where I associated with like-minded creators.”

Ted Dawson: Ever stumble across some art samples and wish you could hire that person on the spot? Ted could use some inking work, and his samples rock.

Oh, Brother!: With the decline of newspapers, many people are thinking that Cul Du Sac may be the last of the great comic strips. I think at least one more is going to get in under the wire: I’m really enjoying Oh, Brother! by Bob Weber, Jr. and Jay Stephens.

Seniors: It’s nice to know that people of all ages still miss Calvin & Hobbes.

Dracula: The Washington Post recommends three books on Dracula, one of them is a graphic novel by Martin Powell and Seppo Makinen, Scarlet In Gaslight. “Powell's florid story and Makinen's elegant draftsmanship create a vision of Dracula more satisfyingly cinematic than many of the movies.” I agree, and not just because I worked for the book’s original publisher!

Bob Schreck: I’m sure you’ve seen this already, but just in case, the legendary editor will be the man in charge of Legendary Comics.

Kick Ass: SEK at Lawyers, Guns and Money goes deeper into Mark Millar and John Romita, Jr.’s Kick-Ass and compares it to the movie.

Reviews: Rod Lott at Bookgasm looks at four new comics: Kodiak, Weird War Tales, Flesh and Bone and Dave King’s Lemon Styles, which seems like a book I need to get right now.

The Wrong Block: This looks like my kind of animated cartoon!

Covers: I love these old covers by Rudolph Belarski. I would buy every book they were printed on.

And finally, if you’re a fan of Ronnie Corbett (of The Two Ronnies), you have a chance to attending the filming of a comedy concert in honor of his 80th birthday.

Now go forth and enjoy your internets responsibly!

[Artwork: Batman Confidential #50, © DC Comics]



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