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Sunday August 12, 2012 2:26 am

Weekend Reading: Batman, Doonesbury, Killraven and Kickstarter

Dark Knight RisesSo the Olympics are finally over, and that means it's time to talk about real heroes, right? Y'know, the ones in capes!

For most of us, we have the belief that Bill Finger is the true creator of everything that made Batman great. Here’s why.

Jake Hinkson looks at The Dark Knight Rises and the other two parts of Christopher Nolan’s trilogy: “Unlike the set-bound comic-gothic theatrics of Tim Burton's Batman films or the plastic sex-toy quality of Joel Schumacher's films, Batman Begins is a full on epic.”

Victor Gischler, novelist and occasional comic book writer, has some thoughts on Kickstarter.

Graphic Classics is having a half-price sale on their graphic novels - they feature work by Shary Flenniken, Hunt Emerson, Roger Langridge, Jimmie Robinson, Richard Sala, Al Feldstein, Mary Fleener, Gerry Alanguilan, Spain Rodriguez, Kyle Baker, P. S. Mueller, Evert Geradts, Cynthia Martin, Trina Robbins and lots more.

The writer Lance Mannion takes a look at the Doonesbury reboot that pushes Mike Doonesbury aside to make way for Alex.

Superman takes Krypto for a walk in Superman’s Best Friend, an animated short by Brett Underhill, now playing at Cartoon Brew. Probably NSFW.

Gary Tyrrell at Fleen takes note of what’s up with the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art and tries to understand what they’re really doing.

I love these cartoons by Rowland B. Wilson, courtesy of Michael Sporn’s Splog.

Longbox Graveyard goes deep into Marvel’s Killraven series by Don McGregor and P. Craig Russell.

Are there some characters in the Marvel Universe that you might not be familiar with? The Freakin’ Awesome Network knows 10 of them.

And finally, with no big record label to support her and take most of her money, indy musician Zoe Keating breaks out how she makes money in the digital age. A valuable chart for any freelancer.

That's all this week. Go forth and use your internets responsibly!

[Artwork: The Dark Knight Rises]



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