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Saturday December 5, 2009 10:09 am

Weekend Reading: Atlas/Seaboard, Gene Deitch and Jonny Quest

Scorpion #1Lots of great stuff all over the internet this week, including a nice piece on Martin Goodman’s Atlas/Seaboard comics of the mid-1970s, a lost cartoon by Gene Deitch and a little piece of Jonny Quest/James Bond trivia. Let’s click:

Atlas/Seaboard: If you remember Howard Chaykin’s The Scorpion, Larry Hama’s Wulf The Barbarian or Steve Ditko’s Tarantula, then you’re old. And that means you remember the Atlas/Seaboard comics that Martin Goodman published after Cadence bought him out from Marvel back in the 1970s. What you may not know is that their comics were also published in Australia. Oh Danny Boy has a detailed and well-illustrated account of their adventure down under.

Gene Deitch: Over at Cartoon Brew, Jerry Beck posts a note from acclaimed animation director Gene Deitch about his first (and lost) animated cartoon. It starred Howdy Doody, and the cartoon so enraged Buffalo Bob Smith that he had it destroyed.

John Kricfalusi: Over at John K Stuff, the animator has a hilarious post about amateur artwork and some ideas about how not-yet-professionals can still find outlets for their art.

Tom Richmond: The great MAD Magazine artist and caricaturist recently remodeled his studio and put up before and after pictures. We should all work in such a great environment. Warning: safe-for-work shelf porn ahead.

James Bond and Jonny Quest: Over at Her Majesty’s Secret Servant Weblog, the HMSS editors post a couple of chapters of a Jonny Quest documentary that talks about the show’s similarity to a certain 007. Bonus: Mike Road’s (aka Race Bannon) appearance on Bewitched.

Lois Van Baarle: Wow. This is fantastic stuff. I hope she gets rich.

Space 1999: Over at Space 1970, Christopher Mills has a nice appreciation of the Space: 1999 comics that Nick Cuti and Joe Staton did for Charlton back in the, wait for it, 1970s.

Tom Brevoort: Sometimes a Marvel Comics editor and a writer just disagree.

That’s it for this week’s internet. See you next time!

[Artwork: cover to The Scorpion #1 by Howard Chaykin. Image taken from Dial B For Blog)



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