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Friday June 17, 2011 8:02 pm

Top 10 Surprises in Green Lantern

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies, DC Comics,

Green LanternAdmit it, ever since Warner Bros. announced the possibility that Jack Black was going to take DC Comics Green Lantern and give it that Nacho Libre feel, you've wanted to see a green man fly.

I did too, but I was a little surprised by what was in the film once Jack dropped out and muscular heartthrob Ryan Reynolds jumped into the CG tights. Here then are the Top 10 Surprises awaiting you in Green Lantern.

10. Due to product placement deal, Green Lantern now referred to as “Coleman Green Lantern”

9. Green makes everyone's ass look big

8. Oa has a Starbucks and a McDonald's

7. Next Green Lantern chosen by internet vote

6. Did anyone tell Hal that most of his new friends are CGI?

5. New Green Lantern oath: "I'm gonna go and fight some crime, I'm gonna do it all the time. I can wish for anything, 'cause I've got a magic wishing ring!"

4. Julie Taymor to create sequel: Green Lantern: Turn Off The Yellow

3. Hal Jordan secretly refers to his ring as “The Precious”

2. Abin Sur’s first name? Jimmy

And the #1 surprise in Green Lantern?

1. Needs more Thor!

[Artwork: Green Lantern © DC Comics]



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