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Monday May 23, 2011 5:19 pm

Tintin: Secret Of The Unicorn

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials, Movies,

Tintin Secret of the UnicornI like the Tintin books by Herge. They’re good, goofy fun built on crazy characters, wild coincidences and non-stop action.

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a Tintin movie coming out: The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn. It’s due at Christmas in the US (October in the UK) and the newest trailer has just been released.

The trailer looks a lot like Raiders of Herge’s Ark but it also looks like it might be fun, too. It has that dead-eyed Uncanny Valley look to it that you'll find in other mo-cap features like Polar Express.

But I'm still willing to give it a shot in the theater because of the people behind the software.

It’s co-written by Stephen Moffat (Coupling, Doctor Who and the new Sherlock Holmes series at the BBC).

The other co-writers are Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead) and Joe Cornish (who co-wrote the new Ant Man movie and directed the upcoming Attack The Block).

Tintin’s director is Steven Spielberg, who still has Geek Cred and certainly knows how to make a good adventure movie.

Read More | Tintin Trailer

And the producer is Peter Jackson, Mr. Lord Of The Rings himself.

So I'm in. Also, the original Tintin books are still fun - read them at the right age and they’re the greatest comics ever - and it would be nice if the movie had an impact in getting those books into the hands of a new generation of kids.

Early Word takes note of the movie’s release and what publisher Little Brown is doing with various tie-in projects, many of them not utilizing Herge’s artwork.

And Rich Johnston at Bleeding Cool reports on a new Herge-themed graphic novel that is having trouble finding a publisher.

[Artwork: Tintin's movie poster]



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