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Wednesday November 17, 2010 8:38 pm
Supernatural Law & Magical Law: Separated At Birth?
I really enjoyed reading this article about a new TV series in development at Fox. The working title is Magical Law and according to the article “the would-be hour-long Fox show takes place in a Harry Potter–esque world where supernatural beings are part of the fabric of everyday life.”
I thought that was a cool idea for a show - a logical extension of the popularity of Harry Potter, Twilight, The Walking Dead and others since TV loves to make shows about cops, lawyers and doctors when it's not obsessed with dancing.
I also thought it was a cool idea because I’d read Batton Lash’s Supernatural Law, a comic book series (created back in 1979) that “features the law practice of Alanna Wolff and Jeff Byrd, who specialize in serving the legal needs of monsters and other supernatural beings, or those who find themselves in conflict with such beings.”
I’m not the only one who sees similarities, either. The A.V. Club also weighs in.
You can check out some Supernatural Law over at Webcomics Nation.
As the tag line to Lash’s series notes: “Beware the creatures of the night - they have lawyers!”
[Artwork: Supernatural Law © Batton Lash]
- Related Tags:
- batton lash, fox network, harry potter, magical law, supernatural law, television, twilight, walking dead, webcomics, wolfe & byrd
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