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Tuesday March 30, 2010 7:16 pm

Sneak Peek: Vampire, PA From Moonstone Books

Posted by Tom Mason Categories: Editorials,

Vampire PAWhen you think of Pennsylvania, do you think of (1) The Pittsburgh Steelers or the Pittsburgh Pirates? (2) Coal-Mining? (3) Vampires?

If you answered “Vampires,” then you know the realities of suburban western Pennsylvania, a target-rich environment for vampire hunters like Dean Marklin. Dean didn’t used to believe in vampires, but then he met a hot one, and a bunch of not-so-hot ones who keep trying to kill him. Life is hard enough in Vampire, PA without having to carry a wooden stake in your pocket all the time.

From to Dracula and every point in between, vampires are the new Vin Diesel and my pal J.C. Vaughn has come up with an excellent twist on the genre that’s worth a look. He’s written Zombie-Proof, the adventures of Jack Bauer in 24, some nice Shi comics with Billy Tucci, and a host of other stuff, and now he’s reunited with his Antiques co-horts, Brian Fraim and Brendon Fraim for a 3-part full-color series.

Based on Vaughn’s original short story, Vampire Hunter Dean, Vampire, PA debuts from Moonstone Books in June and is featured in the April issue of Diamond Previews. Fans of quality pop pulp like Supernatural, Kolchak, and The Vampire Diaries are sure to get a kick out of Vampire, PA.

Vaughn’s got a nice color preview up at his website.

[Artwork: One of the really nice covers to the first issue of Vampire, PA, © J. C. Vaughn]



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