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Friday March 25, 2011 11:12 pm

Showtime Picks Up Chew Script

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Television, Image Comics,

ChewTony Chu will soon be taking literal bites out of crime... on TV.

Showtime recently purchased a script -- written by Terri Hughes Burton and Ron Milbauer -- based off of John Layman and Rob Guillory's Chew, which chronicles FDA Agent Chu's detective work, primarily performed thanks to the psychic impressions he receives from eating things (which aren't always the most edible).

Circle of Confusion, the company behind fellow Image TV adaptation The Walking Dead, is fueling the project, which Stephen Hopkins is set to direct and executive produce.

While I imagined back-to-back marathons of Chew and The Walking Dead on AMC, I take comfort in the fact that Chew has found its TV home at Showtime, which has seen a show centering on a serial killer continue past five seasons.

The biggest question, of course, is whether or not Ken Leung will be cast as Tony...

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